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Study On Incentive Mechanism Of Marketing Channel Based On Customer Behavior

Posted on:2008-06-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360272466902Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the theory of marketing channel, channel behavior is impelled by channel structure and it lead to channel relationship. In mature competition market and high level of circulation market, the design of channel structure is relatively intuitional. However, the tremendous reforms of Chinese circulation market make enterprise channel structure design complicated. Moreover, the tremendous reforms and development of circulation field bring the concept of Grey Zone and some ambiguous problems. If we directly use the conclusions of mature marketing channel theory, the enterprise marketing channel decision in China will be formalized and useless. And this is the important reason for further study of marketing channel decision.This dissertation systematizes the marketing channel theory, and discusses the channel decision-making mechanism, the channel structure design and the channel price policy. This dissertation focused on theory analysis, and emphasizes the research of interactive relation between customer demand and channel structure design, the incentives and restrictions of price-raise and profit-return to channel relationship. Based on these analyses, the dissertation discusses the marketing channel of services products and decision-making mechanism in marketing channel of manufacturing products. Finally this dissertation makes empirical study of marketing channel decision of Chinese passenger car enterprise.First, this dissertation systematizes current marketing channel theories and conclusions, and discusses the interactive relation between customer demand and channel structure design. From the analysis of current design mistakes of marketing channel, we conclude that customer behavior is the unique factor of channel decision-making, and channel structure is the combination of the manufacturer and the middle-business. While taking customer behavior and relativity of manufacturer and middle-business as variables, we get the concept model of channel decision-making.Second, based on the conclusions that customer behavior is the unique factor of channel decision-making and the manufacturer and the middle-business combination, this dissertation gives emphasis to effects of price-raise and profit-return to channel behavior. After the criterion of the two different methods in channel price policy, we construct the cooperative game model and the non-cooperative game model between manufacturer and middle-business. Furthermore, we study the non-cooperative game model in different relativity of manufacturer and middle-business, and demonstrate the incentives and restrictions of price-raise and profit-return to channel relationship.Third, this dissertation analyzes effective incentive mechanism of services products and manufacturing products separately according to features of customers'behavior. After analysis of services industry and services product, we compare the external-incentive of manufacturing products and self-incentive of services product. Moreover, internet shock to marketing channel is also expounded.Finally, based on the comparison of marketing channel mode of busses industry in different countries, this dissertation chooses Kinglong-suzhou as the research object, empirical analysis of marketing channel is processed. Furthermore, we study effects of government regulation policy to enterprises marketing channel decision.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marketing channel, Decision-making mechanism, Incentive mechanism, Price policy, Game model
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