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The Dominant Mechanism Of Economic Actions

Posted on:2013-08-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W C ChenFull Text:PDF
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It is the fact that human activates compound some economical elements. And now, the simple recognition from the phenomenon has been the common viewpoint. Our society is general adoption of the market principle, our action is economic action, and economic action is a form of social action. In the practice, economic action and social structure have been shaped and constructed with each other. And in the different social contexts, the same type of economic action meaning varies. Especially for the actors, the connotation of the action is very different. In the research, our main purpose is to determine the dominant mechanism of economic action from the experience of the rural migrant workers ’choice of reflux self-employment. In the analyses process, we emphasis an impress about rural migrant workers’ subjectivity and autonomy, and find that the reflux self-employment is a lifestyle choice, in order to respond to the alienation on work with life in modern factory and rural agricultural, or it is a strategy of keeping "work-life" balance. We will briefly introduce some chapters in this study.In the introduction, it is the first thing to determine the topic of this study from the social phenomenon, which is about the dominated mechanism of economic actions in the social market. According to economic actions’characters, the experience of the rural migrant workers’reflux self-employment is objectified to economic action, because of the theoretical significance and social value.In the first chapter, it should be stressed that the rural migrant workers’reflux self-employment has been in the society since the late1980s, although it is paid close attention by scholars from the1990s. Among the nearly20years of academic history, the rural migrant workers’ reflux self-employment has gone through three stages, the first is been found, the second is from academic issues to the academic hot, and the third is that there are two viewpoints about reflux self-employment, one is encouragement and support the reflux self-employment, while another is opposed the economic action. Contrary to the expression of rational knowledge, the reflux self-employment phenomenon has a growing trend, not only everywhere, but also there is more abnormal growth in the financial crisis, and now it is cut down. It is clear that there are lots of contradictions, such as Two expressions of contradictions among the expression, the contradiction between the practice and the expression. Therefore, our question is which facts dominate the reflux self-employment, and our proposition is the choice of rural migrant workers’ reflux self-employment which adheres from the practice. In the second chapter, as research question turns out, we should retrieve certain literatures which about self-employment and rural migrant workers’reflux self-employment. Adhere to the theory of consciousness, clear and definite the choice of the rural migrant workers’reflux self-employment from the "Fountainhead", and it is that why they turned their logic of working outside the home to the logic of reflux self-employment. In fact, question essence is to find the relation among the fanning, employment, and self-employment in the social market. Take example of the pros and cons from the relevant literatures, mechanism analysis method is adopted in the research, In order to promote and deepen our understanding. According to the research goal, we also definite some concepts, such as rural migrant worker, reflux self-employment.In the third chapter, it is focused on the method of investigating empirical material. By retrieving the investigation on rural migrant worker, and combined with the distribution of characteristics and their mobility, and adhere to the qualitative research methods, meanwhile, according to the characteristics of the research questions, the patulous cases methods is the main research methods in the study, in order to highlight the individual selectivity and autonomy, and reveal the selected scene, and construct the ideal type of the dominant mechanism. In our study, we have gone through three stages to gather reflux self-employment cases, for insistence unconscious, conscious, as well as three deep-focus description and other data collection stage. Now, we have got plentiful material. Based on the collation of information, some characteristics have been generalized, such as domesticity, weak education, and so on.In the forth chapter, according to the research design, it is stressed that the logic of the work outside the home. In the closed rural, peasant is always eager for a better city life or the kind of city life. After the disintegration of the people’s communes, there is "he sub-fields home". On the one hand, it is to improve the labor relations of production, improve production efficiency; or1the other hand, household agricultural production has been taken into the market. Under the collective absence, the original "homogeneity" consumption has been gradually being broken, and the interests of individuals and households have been continually released in the market. In this situation, it is difficult to carry the important task of the transformation of traditional rural life with small-scale peasant. In the comparison, they choose "migrant workers" forms of labor to transform the traditional village life.In the fifth chapter, focusing on analysis rural people into the factory, their life is not like they thought so perfect. In the modern factory, their life space has been severely compressed; they maintain a simple linear relationship among the assembly lines, dining hall and dormitory. And, their bodies have been disciplined by the modern system. No matter what the forms of labor, such as assembly line, technology, their work and their life are separated, leaving only the significance of the pursuit of high-wage life in the process. Analysis of the wage structure, on the one hand, high wages, through the support of the high labor intensity, such as day and night overtime form, on the other hand, whether it is in the form of "time", or the piece, no matter it is how the "shameless", or "lives", the wage under the constraints of the physical limits and the social structure and other factors has an insurmountable boundaries. Despite this, in order to obtain high-income only "overtime", and therefore there is a buzzwords,"You want someone else’s money, others want your life". When outside of the home, they keep the Stranger relationship with the citizen, and approach to get together for wannth because of social distance, as a result of temporal and spatial distance, the husband-wife relationship, intergenerational relations are suspended and isolated. Moreover, rural migrant workers are at the lower of urban life in the hierarchical structure of urban society. There is no sufficient capital for them can choose to stay, and in the face of the lack of protection of the interests outside the home, their work and life is unstable. Hence, flowing back will be their final destination.In the sixth chapter, it is the main analysis of the rural migrant workers’ choice when they flow back. After Back to the outflow, there are a variety of options, such as small-scale fanning, proximity employment, and self-employment and so on. However, due to the low efficiency of small-scale fanning, such as economic, social, etc, it becomes one kind of sub-optimal choice; and employment would also suffer from the alienation of life, and low economic efficiency of the nearest working, so it is not an optimal. Compared with the employment, there are a lot of advantages with self-employment, such as social prestige, economic benefits and some expectation. It follows that it is an optimal choice. Therefore, under the logic of the struggle of the working life and the logic of pursuit of a better life, the rural migrant workers’ choice of reflux self-employment is a lifestyle choice.In the seventh chapter, we emphasize the research found that the rural migrant workers’ choice of the reflux self-employment is a "family based" economic action. On the one hand, among the actions to maintain economic efficiency, in order to transform the traditional form of life, and the other, to stabilize social relations and emotions, in order to stabilize the life in real terms. By theories inspired, this type economic action dominated mechanism can be generalized "work-life" balance mechanism. In the social daily life, it is that the individual action maintains not only the economic color, but also with social factors. When the equilibrium between the two happens, economic actions would be generated. As an unfinished research agenda, the research of rural migrant workers’ reflux self-employment would be needed deepen, and our "ideal type" is also needed further examination.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural migrant workers, Reflux self-employment, Social marketization, Economical action, Work-Life balance, Dominated mechanism
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