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Analysis Of The Developing Course And Practical Questions Of International Schools After World War â…¡

Posted on:2015-02-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1227330467461770Subject:Foreign education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since World War Ⅱ, an increasing exchange in economy and trade between countries has led to an unprecedently active cross-border movement of people. The internationalization of education is hence brought into the world’s attention. These provide broad space for the development of international schools. Therefore, a relatively comprehensive and systematic illustration about the development situation and characteristics of international schools after World War Ⅱ and an in-depth analysis of status quo and problems of each element in the international school system are the focus in this research. It is hoped that such work will be of help and significance to domestic researches in related fields.The introduction part explains the origin and significance of this research, and the research results of other scholars in this field have been summarized, then explained the basis of the age division in brief. Part one introduces the definition of international schools and international education, the classification of international schools and the subjects of this article has been detemined. In the second part, based on the theoretical perspectives, analizes the theoretical basis of international schools including the theory of international understanding education, intercultural education, as well as the quality management theory. In the third part, comes the embryonic stage of the growth and development of international schools before "World War Ⅱ". In part four to six, take the international schools as a whole objects, analize the three historical stages and the distinctive features of the international schools after "World War Ⅱ", and focus on the more active internal elements in the development. The three historical stages include:"World War Ⅱ" to the late1970s, the rise of the ideology-oriented international schools; the early1980s to the late1990s, the proliferation of international school driven by market mechanisms; in the late1990s to present, the new forms of development under the background of globalization. In the seventh part, from a microscopic point of view, analize various major problems within the international school system faced in the development process. In the eighth part, based on a historical level, global perspective, and the vision of development, summarizes the ideas and the development sequences of international schools as well as the prediction of the prospect of future trends.
Keywords/Search Tags:international school, international curriculum, international schoolorganization, Global citizen
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