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Research On Rosa Luxemburg’s Socialism Thought From The Perspective Of Totality

Posted on:2013-11-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R R FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1266330395487453Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the outstanding representative of the Second International Marxism and afounder of the Western Marxism, Rosa Luxemburg enjoyed special status in theMarxist development history. How to carry on the Socialist Revolution andConstruction is the theme that Rosa Luxemburg pursued in the theory and practice allher life. With regard to Luxemburg’s thought, no matter the theories about PoliticalEconomy or the claims on some particular problem of the Revolution, only integrityinterpretation can reveal the deep theory value and practical significance. First, thispaper explains Luxembourg’s socialist view on the basis of the methodology that ishistorical dialectics of totality. Second, this paper discusses Luxemburg’s SocialistRevolution thought from the economic root, the realization way, political power, massfoundation and other perspective. Third, this paper analyzes her SocialistConstruction strategy. Meanwhile, it examines Luxemburg and Lenin’s controversiesin some related issues, as well as the Western Marxism scholars’ reading aboutLuxemburg’s thought. Finally, it discusses the historical contributions, limitations,and the contemporary value of Luxemburg’s thought.Luxemburg’s Socialist view is not abstract philosophical theory, and itsmethodology is not smoke. It’s based on her deep understanding of the theories ofMarx. All her theoretical and practical foundation comes from her interpretation ofthe historical road and historical study method of Carl Marx. Luxemburg’s totalitymethod is the dialectical unity of the subject and object, the theory and practice. It’shistorical and specific, especially reflected in her political economics theory.Luxemburg balanced the internal logic and the external conditions of the CapitalAccumulation through the analysis of the relationship between the east and westcountries contradiction, explained the history movement and law of the Imperialismera, and then put forward the boundaries of Capital Accumulation. Luxemburg put thefate of human beings and the development of the future history road together from theeconomic origin objectively.The problem of Revolution or Reform is the subject of controversy in the Germany social Democratic Party and the whole International Communist LaborMovement at the beginning of the twentieth century. On the Socialist realization way,Luxemburg maintained that the Party’s daily struggle should be obedient to the finalpurpose. This paper reviews Luxemburg’s systematic critique on Bernstein’s and KarlKautsky’s Revisionist, and discusses the historical limits from the relationship of thequantitative and qualitative change. It improves that people should not only analyzeand judge eyes in the complex situation, but also determine what Socialist Strategyshould take when facing the complex situation according to the basic principle ofHistorical Materialism.As the Party’s Organization Strategies, Luxemburg proposed the "SelfCentralism" theory on the basis of criticizing Lenin’s "Extreme Centralism". Thispaper analyzes both of the thoeries and points out that their differences are notwhether insisting on Marxist or not, but mainly because they faced different politicaland social environment, their organization situation is different, so their strategiesemphasize on some particular different aspect. As the relationship of the Party andMass, Luxemburg thought highly of the Party’s leadership role but put forward thedetermination the content of the historical and certain limits of the Party’s leadershiprole. She inherited and developed Marxist view on the general public, also putforward that the Liberation of the Proletariat is only the things of the Proletariatthemselves. This paper discusses the problem of Proletarian’s Class Consciousnessand points out that Luxemburg’s Spontaneous theory is related with her classconsciousness thought, which has the subjectivity and objectivity.The Democratic System is the core content of Socialist Construction.Luxemburg pursued that Democracy is the essence of society, the Dictatorship of theProletariat is the way of Socialist Democracy and other theories. She also put forwardthat the Party should carry out the openness of the government thorough supervisorysystem and people’s participation. Luxemburg is against the Land Seizure policy bythe Bolshevik Party. This paper points out that Luxemburg insisted on the originalthought of the Classical Marxist actually. Socialism is the social system thatProletariats should establish and manage by themselves. It calls for the mostextensive democracy as its foundation, and rejects any way from above or instead of people to implement escrow on the Socialist practice.There is no universal model and ready plan in Socialist. It can be only created,explored and developed on the ruins of Capitalism by giving full play to people’senthusiasm and initiative, according to the specific conditions. Luxemburg’s Socialistview is not only the enriched and developed the Marxism philosophy creatively fromthe theory value to see. In practice, Luxemburg’s theory makes us to think of theguiding significance in the modern era of globalization relationship between easternand western countries, and has some important reference value for us to think ofChina and World Socialism’s future destiny and the construction of Socialist PoliticalCivilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rosa Luxemburg, Totality method, Socialist view, Political philosophy
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