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Energy Research Thailand

Posted on:2014-05-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W F W I R A W A T N A R A N Full Text:PDF
GTID:1266330425976359Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Energy" is an important basis material for human existence and social development mechanism. Therefore, the energy resources will become all nation political and economic security determinant to maintain national interests and the sustainable development of the "battle cause", especially the lack of traditional energy-----competition for petroleum is intensified. Energy (petroleum) resource becomes an important role for all nations on the international political and economic diplomacy. For the recent years, Thailand’s growing economy has increased the demand of energy, energy (petroleum) dependency rising is the main cause of several energy crisis. Thailand is an energy poor country, energy (petroleum) resources distribution, exploration-consumption are not balanced, the contradiction between energy supply and demand is explicit, Thailand’s energy shortage, energy security has become a major problem hindering the country development. How to effectively solve Thailand’s energy problems, author’s opinion conduct international energy cooperation, adjust national energy consumption structure, improve energy efficiency and energy-saving measures promote, comprehensive promote diversification of renewable energy strategy to ensure Thailand’s energy security. Meanwhile, increasing national environmental protection, to establish a long-term sustainable development of national energy security planning, moreover effectively improve Thailand’s energy security coefficient.The study is based on many Thai primary data resources to research Thailand’s energy development and current energy situation, demonstrates Thailand’s energy problems. The study is divided into5chapters:The first chapter is an introduction: summarization of research reason and significance, conceptual definitions, literature reviews, research mentality and research dilemma. The second chapter is current Thailand’s energy development and characteristic:elaborated analyzes Thailand’s energy resources characteristics and energy consumption situation, forecast energy development trend, and comprehensive analyzes the energy environmental and energy trade problem. The third chapter is discusses Thailand’s energy security strategy. Summarizes the development of Thailand’s energy security strategy, concise Thailand’s energy strategy principles, objectives and strategies (policies). The fourth chapter is Thailand’s energy cooperation:conclude Thailand’s energy cooperation, analyze Thailand’s energy cooperation characteristic and reflections. The last chapter is Thailand’s energy security problem and suggestion ideas:Summary of Thailand’s energy strategic problems, comprehensive the influence of the international energy situation for Thailand’s energy security, propose to improve energy security strategy suggestions for the development of Thailand.The conclusion of "Study on Thailand’s energy" is as follows:First, Thailand’s insufficient energy resources, energy supply and demand imbalance, caused the national energy crisis, it is not conducive to national energy development strategy. Over the years, growing of Thailand’s economy, increasingly energy consumption, total energy consumption has increased steadily, making Thai energy in short supply. Coupled with lack of indigenous energy resources, affect Thai energy shortages, increasing energy dependence that unfavorable situation even more worse, lead to national energy and its political and military crisis, hindering the country’s development.Second, Thailand’s energy diplomacy started earlier, from the international petroleum trade to "go aboard" international energy cooperation strategy, nowadays have achieved results. With the increasing energy demand, Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT, now PTT Public Company Limited:PTT) conduct international energy diplomacy cooperation ensures the energy supply. Now, PTT cooperate global partners such as Asia Pacific:Australia, China, Indonesia etc. Middle East region of United Arab Emirates etc. African region of Algeria and Kenya etc. American region of Brazil, Canada, the U.S. etc. and European region of Germany and Russia etc., it’s remarkable Thailand’s international energy cooperation achievements.Third, Thailand’s energy development strategy has worse problems, after studies shown Thailand’s energy management system problem, Petroleum Fiscal Regime system and petroleum prices unreasonable, LPG distribution unfair, Energy supply imbalance, lack of renewable energy technologies and energy strategy implementation etc. these problems are hinder sustainable energy development strategy.Fourth, to promote sustainable energy development strategy, must be reformed energy resources management system, developed energy technology and technical personnel training, conduct diversification of energy resources utilization, improve energy efficiency, increase alternative energy and renewable energy consumption, comprehensive energy efficiency and actively reduce pollution emissions, planning on establish energy trade market, and actively participate in international energy diplomacy cooperation etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thailand, energy strategy, situation and characteristics, problem andsuggestion
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