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Research On The Orientation Of Ideological And Political Education In Internet Age

Posted on:2020-01-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W N LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330572970180Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the Internet in the 21 st century,the scale and speed of the development of the Internet in China are increasing day by day.The rapid spread of massive information on the Internet,the collision of multicultural exchanges,and the interlaced and complex trends of thought make people’s ideas vulnerable to various influences and shocks.This is to put forward new requirements for ideological and political education in the Internet era.At the same time,it also needs ideological and political education to play a guiding role in order to correctly and effectively guide people’s thoughts.Ideological and political education orientation in the Internet era is an educational guidance process in which the ideological dominant classes carry out certain ideological choices and educational goals for the target groups under the background of the rise of Internet new media.To study the orientation of ideological and political education in the Internet era is to consolidate the guiding position of Marxism and promote and practice the core socialist values.Adhere to correct ideological guidance and value guidance,strengthen the ideological foundation,build a spiritual homeland,build a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics,and firmly strengthen the self-confidence of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics,theoretical self-confidence,institutional self-confidence,and cultural self-confidence.On the basis of clarifying the technology,scale and regulatory status of Internet development in China,this paper expounds the connotation and characteristics of ideological and political education in the Internet era.It is clear that the relevant theoretical basis of ideological and political education-oriented research comes from Marxist classical writers,important theoretical views and arguments of Chinese Communists,relevant views of Western Marxists,andtheoretical references of related disciplines.This paper analyzes the main content ideological orientation,political orientation and value orientation of ideological and political education in the Internet era,and expounds its function,characteristics and audience characteristics in depth.Ideological and political educational guidance in the Internet age is a dynamic change and a mechanism can be found.It is driven by spiritual motivation to achieve a Covalent catalytic effect,to enhance the intrinsic value and exogenous value within the audience group,and finally to achieve the unity of directional effect and convergence effect.Then the paper analyzes the key systems of ideological and political education in the Internet era,and studies the components,processes,features of two-dimensional interaction,and integration of values and goals of the operational systems.This paper studies the composition of the subjective and object cognition system,the subjective consciousness of the object in the cognitive system,and the unity of the dominant and the subjective.From the three aspects of "time," "efficiency," and "degree," we propose to improve the ideological and political education orientation in the Internet era,that is,to follow up on the ideological and political education orientation in the Internet era in a timely manner.We will always strengthen the Party’s leadership in occupying ideological positions on the Internet,strengthen public opinion to promote the core socialist values,respond to the development of the Internet,improve the network literacy and capabilities of ideological and political educators,promote the institutionalization and standardization of online media management,and strengthen Internet public opinion feedback and Internet early warning supervision.We will effectively strengthen the "efficiency" of ideological and political education in the Internet era,enhance the appeal of network leadership,the attractiveness of network issues,the appeal of network discourse,the shocking power of network vision,and the radiation power of network push.Dialectical grasp of the "degree" of ideological and political education orientation in the Internet era,scientific guidance according to audience group requirements,guided communication according to audience group acceptance,and guided effect according to audience group realization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet, Orientation, Ideological and political education orientation, Audience groups, Directed influence
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