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The Construction And Confirmatory Research Of Evaluation Model Of Doctoral Education Based On Student-Development Orientation

Posted on:2018-10-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1367330575977147Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The progress of technology and the development of social economy are closely r elated to the quality of doctoral education.Doctoral education plays an important role i n constructing a national innovation system,and providing intellectual support and man power support for national strategies of strengthening the nation on talent,rejuvenati ng the country on technology and building the innovation-originated nation.The qua lity of doctoral education is believed to have an effect on promotion of national inn ovation and international competitiveness.Just for this reason,the doctoral education a s the highest level of academic achievement has aroused wide concern in the world,and the quality of doctoral education has become a global hot topic.Since 2000,the enrollment scale of doctoral education has continued to expand,gro wing from 25.1 thousand to 74.4 thousand in 2015.So far,China has become one of the largest doctorate awarded countries.Meanwhile,following the transformation o f the knowledge production mode,Doctoral graduate employment presents a pluralist ic tendency.In the United States,Germany,France,Australia and China,a growing number of doctoral graduates choose to enter the government,enterprises,social ma nagement department and some other non-academic career,engaging in the professio nal field of technology development and management.From 1995 to 2008,The num ber of PhD graduates working in academic labor market declined obviously,while theproportion of those who devote themselves to the non-academic career rise continuo usly.In 1995,the PhD graduates entering the higher school accounted for 59.8%of thetotal,46.1%in 2008,this ratio fell to 29.9%in 2012.Doctoral education is no tonger dominated by academic community,in addition to the universities,the governm ent,enterprises,and some other interest-related subject are involved in doctoral educ ation and Try to exert influence on it.Due to the different subject has a different u nderstanding and expectation on the target and quality of doctoral education,the con notation of quality in doctoral education is endowed with more prolific meanings.In this context,the content and standard of quality evaluation of doctoral education needs to be redefined.The scientific quality evaluation of doctoral education has a positive impact on improvement of doctoral program.Traditionally,quality evaluation is mostly from the perspective of mentors and universities.Because of the neglect of the student's indiv idual need,Not only the connotation of the quality of doctoral education is misinterp reted in theory,the cultivation of the professional ability was also ignored in practic e.This study takes graduating students and graduate students as the research object.The definition of doctoral education quality,which is on the basis of student develo pmental theory and fit theory,contains input,process,output and the development quality.And then the corresponding index system and evaluation model has been put forward.For the graduating students,they experienced the whole process of doctoral education and have a clear career expectation.This group being investigated can help us understanding the graduating student satisfaction on doctoral education and knowing whether the current doctoral education meet the demand of their personal career aspirations.For the graduate students,this group being investigated can helps usanalyzing the current situation of the awarded doctors and clarifying the retrospective evaluation on doctoral education based on their career development.Through the in vestigation of doctoral education experience in agriculture-related discipline,this stud y does empirical analysis of problem about doctoral education and its influencing factors,explores the matching degree of training quality and development quality,verif ies the suitability of doctoral cultivation and its goal.According to the results of quality evaluation,the policy suggestions are proposed for improvement of internal quality assurance system in university.Firstly,based on the semi-structured interviews of graduating students,graduate students,cultivating units and employing units,stakeholders of doctoral education p ropose the factors that reflect the quality of doctoral education and to evaluate the quality of doctoral education,and then to reveal the main problems of the quality o f doctoral education from the perspective of different subjects.At the same time,this paper reviews the formation background and evolution rule of the quality view and summarizes its evaluation standard in different historical period in China,Carding the historical evolution and the evolution trend of the quality evaluation of doctoral education.Secondly,in order to establish quality evaluation index system of doctoral educati on,this study analyzes the value orientation of doctoral education evaluation and tak es academic orientation as the prerequisite,humanistic orientation as the core,social orientation as the basement.The index system includes Input indicators(doctoral edu cation background,doctoral student motivation),Process indicators(engagement in the learning and researching,doctoral education experience satisfaction),Output indic ators(academic achievements,self assessment of individual development)and Deve lopment indicators(the career development situation,self assessment of career devel opment).According to the analytic hierarchy process and cluster analysis method,the weight of evaluation index was calculated,and then builds the Input-Process-Out put-Development model of quality evaluation by using the comprehensive evaluation model.Thirdly,To understand the Input-Process-Output-Development quality and provide effective countermeasures on doctoral education improvement,this study applied t wo survey questionnaires to graduating students and graduate students from7agricultu re-related disciplines(Including crop,plant protection,agricultural resources and envi ronment,animal husbandry and veterinary medicine,agricultural engineering,agricult ure and forestry economic management).This survey focuses on the evaluation of input quality,process quality,output quality and development quality of PhD studen ts.There were 1107 valid questionnaires on graduate students and 902 valid question naires on graduating students collected,and empirical analysis results show that the agricultural doctoral students are usually having higher rate in delay graduation,appearin g relatively consistent in academic background,investing too much time in learning,fewer foreign visiting and teaching experience,less career guidance and more academic career goals.The doctoral graduates have diversified career paths but their jobs almost match their own specialized field.Besides,the matching degree of person-post is higher than the matching degree of person-occupation.What's more,the survey results in satisfaction of doctoral education experience indicate that doctoral students have less satisfaction than the graduates;respondent comes from the "985 project" or "211 project" universities has 1 ower satisfaction than general universities;doctoral graduates hold a positive attitude to doctoral education,they think the doctoral education aid in career development.Some existing problems are found:an overwhelming emphasis is placed on results output and discipline attribute,but neglecting the training of quality,method and skills.It is difficult for the students to cope with different teaching tasks and diversify career choices,because what's often overlooked during doctoral education is teaching training and career preparation.There is a "mismatch" phenomenon existing in doctoral educati on,career expectation and career reality.It takes too much time to get a doctor's de gree,and even some graduating students cannot obtain their degree.It is hard for graduate students to accomplish the role transition from the graduate school to the wor kplace,and usually spend a long time to adapt to the working environment.Finally,the study supplies countermeasures by analyzing the characteristics of do ctoral education problems.At the aspect of doctoral enrollment,the college should combine written examination,interview assessment with application materials review to improve the admission process,set a reasonable enrollment target to follow the rul esof doctoral cultivation,regulate the behavior of stakeholders to ensure the fairness and effectiveness of doctoral enrollment,establish supervision mechanism and distri bution mechanism to perfect institutional arrangements and not deviate from the ori ginal training goal.At the aspect of doctoral cultivation,the program should balance different categories of curriculum to highlight the importance of methods courses and inte rdisciplinary courses,implement the tutorial system to replace single tutorial system to improve the quality of teacher guidance,stress the importance of occupation training of doctoral students to enhance their mobility skills and achieve the transition from gradua te school to job market.At the aspect of doctoral development,the university should set up a cooperation platform to reduce asymmetric information and share the resour ces among universities,enterprises and PhD students,rich cooperation projects to in novate doctoral training and promote positive interaction between the colleges and enterpr ises,get support from government to assume its functions on coordination,promotion and supervision and promote the standardization of the university-enterprise coopera tion in the long run.At the aspect of doctoral evaluation,the college should renew conceptions of quality evaluation to promote the student individual development,build the evaluation structure which is not only the combination between internal and external,but also the link among input,process,output,and development of four stages to ensure the evaluation system can serve its function properly,learn the experience from the rest of the world to promote the research of quality evaluation in depth,and reinforce personals training of quality evaluation to optimize the evaluation process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Doctoral education, Quality, Evaluation, IPOD, Student-Development
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