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Research On The Formation Mechanism Of Ambidextrous Innovation In The Perspective Of Dynamic Capability

Posted on:2020-05-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q KangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1369330575969748Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development and change of new technologies,such as artificial intelligence,big data,5G network and cloud computing,the era of intelligence and new industrial revolution have quietly arrived.As a result,the external environment is full of VUCA.The turbulent environment is full of opportunities and threats,which not only increases the competition between enterprises,but also brings a huge impact on the survival and development of enterprises.Forcing enterprises,especially many Chinese private enterprises have to revolution.Some enterprises are able to achieve growth through revolution,while others are crashed.This leads us to think,how can companies cope with an uncertain,ambiguous and discontinuous environment,and both maintain a stable profit as well as long-term benefits? How can we adapt to the turbulent environment and improve the adaptability to achieve long-term survival?Previous studies have agreed that dynamic capability is a necessary condition for enterprises to adapt to the complex and turbulent environment.However,due to the abstraction and ambiguity of dynamic capability theories and constructs(Danneels,2008),it is difficult to build concrete paths to realize in enterprises.Therefore,most scholars studied at theoretical levels.In order to break through this dilemma,many studies have linked ambidextrous innovation with dynamic capability and regarded ambidextrous innovation as a kind of dynamic capability(O’Reilly and Tushman,2008).Compared with dynamic capability,ambidextrous innovation is a more specific and operational concept.However,previous studies on ambidextrous innovation mainly discussed single antecedent elements at a single level,such astemporal antecedent,structural antecedent,leadership antecedent and contextual antecedent.Few empirical studies analyzed the specific mechanism of ambidextrous innovation.In view of this,this study studies the specific formation mechanism of ambidextrous innovation under the framework of dynamic capability.Baesd on the analysis of dynamic capability theory,organization ambidextrous theory and upper echelon theory,this study proposes “sensing—seizing—reconfiguring—innovation”framework of dynamic capabilities formation to extend Teece(2007)’s “sensing —seizing — reconfiguring” framework,at the same time ambidextrous innovation is introduced to the understanding of dynamic capabilities.Based on this,this study research the formation of the ambidextrous innovation mechanism in the framework of dynamic capabilities.Teece(2007)points out that the micro-foundation of dynamic capabilities,namely unique skills,processes,procedures,organizational structures,decision-making rules and behavioral regulations,enhance the sensing,seizing and reconfiguring capabilities of enterprises.Therefore,this study finds the micro foundation of dynamic ability under the framework of “perception,seize,integration,innovation”.Based on the literature review,viewing strategic orientation as micro foundation sensing,viewing TMT behavior integration as micro foundation seizing,viewing organizational learning as micro foundation reconfiguring,viewing ambidextrous innovation as micro foundation innovation,establishes the “strategic orientation → TMT behavior integration → organizational learning → ambidextrous innovation” chain mediation mechanism.In addition,two contingent factors,transformational leadership and external environment,are identified to make the boundary of ambidextrous innovation formation mechanism more clear.This study conducts in Jilin,Liaoning,Hebei,Tianjin,Beijing,Shanghai and Guangdong six provinces(cities),in the software park,hi-tech park,industrial park,service industry park and logistics park.A total of 700 questionnaires were issued,and 552 of them were valid.After hypothesis demonstration and empirical statistical analysis,the following conclusions are drawn: first,strategic orientation has a significant positive impact on ambidextrous innovation,exploratory innovation andexploitation innovation.Among them,market orientation,technology orientation and entrepreneurial orientation all have a significant positive impact on ambidextrous innovation,exploratory innovation and exploitation innovation.Second,TMT behavior integration and organizational learning have a mediating role in the relationship between strategic orientation and ambidextrous innovation,exploring innovation and exploitation innovation,in other words,the strategic orientation and market orientation,technology orientation and entrepreneurial orientation respectively through TMT behavior integration or organizational learning act on ambidextrous innovation,exploration innovation and exploitation innovation.Third,TMT behavior integration and organizational learning play a chain mediating role in the relationship between strategic orientation and ambidextrous innovation,exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation.In addition,TMT behavioral integration has a significant positive impact on organizational learning.Fourth,transformational leadership can strengthen the role of TMT behavior integration in promoting ambidextrous innovation,exploratory innovation and exploitation innovation.Fifth,the dynamic and competitive characteristics of the environment affect the effect of strategic orientation.Specifically,the environment can enhance the promoting effect of strategic orientation on TMT behavior integration,ambidextrous innovation,exploration innovation and exploitation innovation.However,in the sub-hypothesis,the moderating effect of environmental dynamics on strategic orientation and exploitative innovation has not been verified.To sum up,this study makes up for the deficiencies of existing studies,has certain theoretical and practical significance,and can provide reference for enterprise practice.First,this study introduces ambidextrous innovation into the understanding of dynamic capability,and studies the formation mechanism of ambidextrous innovation under the framework of dynamic capability.Ambidextrous innovation is regarded as a more specific and higher level of dynamic capability,which further deepens and expands the theory of dynamic capability.Secondly,based on the theory of organizational ambidexterity,this paper analyzes the essence and connotation of ambidextrous innovation,explores and clarifies the relationship between exploratory innovation and exploitation innovation,analyzes the antecedents that can promote both,and deepens the understanding of dual innovation.Thirdly,an organization-level ambidextrous innovation chain intermediary mechanism is established,which makes up for the deficiency of the study on multiple antecedent comprehensive formation mechanism of ambidextrous innovation,further enriches the theory of organizational ambidextrous,provides guidance for Chinese private enterprises to break through the innovation dilemma.Fourth,it establishes the connection between strategic orientation and TMT behavior integration,makes up the research gap of the direct influence of external information on TMT,and verifies the mediating role of TMT behavior integration in the relationship between strategic orientation and ambidextrous innovation,and expands the high-level echelon theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ambidextrous Innovation, Strategic Orientation, TMT Behavior Integration, Organizational Learning, Dynamic Capability, Transformational Leadership, External Environment
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