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Stars and shields: Perceptions of accountability in the decision-making processes of county sheriffs and municipal police chiefs

Posted on:2010-02-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northern Illinois UniversityCandidate:LaFrance, Terrell CaseyFull Text:PDF
GTID:1446390002486559Subject:Political science
This study uses scenario-based qualitative interviewing to explore perceptions of bureaucratic, legal, political, and professional accountabilities streams in the management decision-making practices of 12 elected county sheriffs and 18 municipal police chiefs in Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Results from this study indicate remarkable similarities in the responses of each type of manager, with the exception of their responses to a budget crisis scenario. In this last scenario, sheriffs demonstrate ideals of leadership while police chiefs focus more energy into departmental management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sheriffs, Police
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