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Education in postwar Sweden

Posted on:2003-10-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at ArlingtonCandidate:Bussell, Karin HelenaFull Text:PDF
Education is a fundamental aspect of the acculturation process. Comparison of the historical experience of modern western European states suggests that as countries undergo the transition from traditional to modern education becomes an issue of national concern and governmental policy. Several different theories seek to explain the inauguration of national educational systems, but few address the continued evolution and democratization of these systems. A close analysis of the Swedish experience in the twentieth century (particularly after World War II) will do just that.; This dissertation argues that the process of educational reform that states undertake is a logical and "normal" concomitant of the wider process of economic and social modernization. The transformation of Sweden and the evolving relationship of the state to postwar society generated demands for extensive educational reform. The demographic and political character of Sweden had already begun to change during the latter part of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In the stability that followed World War II, Swedes in general were finally able to turn their attention inward, and the Social Democratic party leadership was eager to create their own version of the ideal society. Educational reform took on a renewed significance and became an essential component of this process of societal redefinition. Excited by the possibilities for "social engineering," a sense of urgency created by the dangers and delays of the wartime years, and the influence of recent pedagogic developments, the Social Democrats sought to create the ideal democratic citizen required for peaceful coexistence in the newly egalitarian society.; The dissertation first considers sociological theories pertaining to the organization of national educational systems, surveys scholarship on Swedish educational change, and outlines the general contours of societal change in Sweden. An analysis of how a consensus for reform emerged in response to a variety of influences of the time period then follows, including an examination of the specific goals for reform of the governing Social Democratic party. The dissertation proceeds to analyze the reforms' implementation through 1969 and their reception by various constituencies. An evaluation of the relative success of the educational reforms concludes the study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Educational, Sweden, Process
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