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A case study of the implemented mathematics curriculum in urban and rural primary schools in China

Posted on:2000-08-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)Candidate:Ma, YunpengFull Text:PDF
The primary mathematics curriculum in China has been developed and implemented in a centralized manner. In recent years, the curriculum development pattern has undergone some changes, nevertheless the centrally developed curriculum standards and the textbooks are still adopted in most parts of the country. China, being a large country, is made up of areas of different situations. The differences between the urban areas and rural areas are particularly obvious. Therefore we should pay more attention to the implementation of the mathematics curriculum in the urban and the rural areas. What sort of primary school mathematics curriculum is implemented in urban and rural schools? How far is the centrally developed curriculum implemented? What are the factors that influence the implementation of the mathematics curriculum? These are important questions in relation to the development and implementation of the primary mathematics curriculum and the reform of compulsory education curriculum.; This study, based on curriculum implementation theories, aimed at answering the above questions. In the study, two urban and two rural schools were chosen as case studies. Qualitative research methods, including in-depth interview, field observation and document analysis were adopted, to inquire into teachers' curriculum decision making and the characteristics of implemented curriculum.; The study revealed that the teachers, both in the urban and the rural schools, strongly followed the content standards and the structures in textbooks in planning and teaching their lessons. But the teachers in the urban schools gave more difficult questions to students as exercises, while their counterparts in the rural areas struggled with pushing their students completing the questions in the textbooks. The teachers in the urban schools used a wider range of methods and activities in classrooms.; The factors influencing teachers' curriculum. decision making included teachers' knowledge, teachers' belief, school culture, student and teaching materials. Among these factors, the first three were the fundamental ones. Virtually all teachers believed that they ought to follow the content and the arrangements of the textbooks in their teaching. Their curriculum decision making was also strongly influenced by examinations. However, there were obvious difference between the urban and the rural teachers in their beliefs about their students, teaching style and their teaching efficacy. Another important difference was that there were more professional exchanges and collaboration among urban school teachers.; Based on the findings, it is recommended that the design and implementation of the curriculum and textbooks of the primary mathematics should be more diversified to meet the needs and conditions of rural and urban areas. At the school level, enriching teachers' theoretical and practical knowledge, changing their beliefs and developing collaborative school culture are ways to successful curriculum implementation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Curriculum, Urban, School, Primary, Implemented, Rural, Teachers, Implementation
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