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Antecedents of employee extra work effort: The importance of employee empowerment and organizational commitment

Posted on:2004-04-16Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ArizonaCandidate:Yacobucci, Peter RoccoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390011476892Subject:Political science
This study uses a survey of a large sample of public and private sector employees in Tucson, Arizona, to reveal the determinants of employee extra work effort. Extra work effort is defined as those actions benefitting their employer performed by employees for which employees are not explicitly compensated. The current literature suggests employee empowerment through the variation of personnel systems to allow for greater employee responsibility and decision-making as a powerful determinant of employee extra work effort. The finding of this research suggests that while the implementation of these personnel systems may increase other positive occupational traits, such as job satisfaction and employee interest, no direct connection can be made between employee empowerment managerial systems and employee extra work effort. Instead, organizational commitment is a more robust determinant of employee extra work effort. Implications of these findings are suggested for the current literature and practical application.
Keywords/Search Tags:Employee extra work effort, Organizational commitment, Political science, Current literature
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