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'Do Perceptions of Cyber Bullying Change with Age and Gender? A Study of College Age Students'

Posted on:2015-12-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Walden UniversityCandidate:Brotz, RyanFull Text:PDF
Cyber bullying uses information and communication technologies to send mean-spirited textual and/or graphical messages about an individual. Ample research is available on traditional bullying, but few studies have focused on the recent concept of cyber bullying. This study addressed gaps in the current research on how cyber bullying changes with age and gender within the college population. This gap is important because current studies focus solely on school aged children; thus, little is known about how cyber bullying affects the adult population, how it changes with age, or how it differs among genders. Guided by social cultural theory, which suggests that bullying emanates from power struggles in various social groups, this research utilized a quantitative survey to determine the role of gender and age disparities on the likelihood of cyber bullying among a college population. A total of 166 participants were recruited using Survey Monkey's online participant pool, and a chi square analysis yielded no significant relationships between age, gender, and cyber bullying. However, results have contributed to social change by increasing knowledge among parents, educators, and school administrators as it was determined that cyber bullying was not limited by age or gender. It is experienced by children and adults throughout their education careers, and does not cease once one enters into a college environment. This information can help to assist educator and professionals in developing strategies to better protect and identify those individuals affected by online bullying.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bullying, Gender, College
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