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Research On Marx's Thought Of Human Essence

Posted on:2022-08-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306728482514Subject:History of development of Marxism
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The theoretical connotation of Marx's thought of human essence is to realize oneself in the process of self-denial,which is a dialectical development process and a process of dissolving the one-sided social relations that make people alienated,so as to give full play to their various possibilities as human attributes.Man is a subject of value with subjective initiative,keeping his own openness and creativity is the destination of realizing man's essential power.With Marx,the essence of human thought the logic of the evolution process is fully display the generation process of the essence of man,because of the existence of the essence of man is not a given,but in the development of the society for creativity in the process,it is not by emphasizing the congenital essence to show themselves,but through the practice in the activities of the objective self-validating.Marx overturns the traditional ontological thinking paradigm about the abstract,speculative,transcendental way of understanding human essence.Instead,he takes practice as the logical basis of theory,bases himself on the real life world,and establishes the principle of practical generation of human essence.Through the investigation of social history and economic life,Marx analyzed the essence of man,the essence of reality and the essence of nature,thus grasping the realistic situation of man's existence and its development direction.In addition to the introduction,this paper consists of five parts:The first part combs the development history of the thought of human essence from ancient Greek political philosophy to German classical philosophy and traces back to many metaphysical judgments as the background of Marx's thought of human essence.The political philosophy of ancient Greece followed the principle of regulating politics with morality.Compared with politics,morality had logical preexistence.Since this universal moral principle could only be obtained by relying on human rationality,the essence of human beings in this period was presented in a rational way.Medieval religious philosophy clothed the moral principles of ancient Greece with theology,and human essence was manifested as divinity.Modern political philosophy completely deconstructs the system construction of traditional morality and politics,and returns to the natural nature of human beings.In the period of German classical philosophy,the human theory represented by Hegel and Feuerbach's philosophy ignored the material basis of reality and the development of social history,regarded human as the product of spirit and the pure intuitive object,and finally established the abstract essence of human.On the basis of inheriting the predecessors,Marx realized the philosophical revolution about the thought of human essence.Marx based on the real material life,reversed the relationship between logic and reality in western metaphysics,established the logical premise of the reality of man as man,realized the transformation of philosophical thinking mode,and founded the scientific methodology with revolutionary nature.The second part mainly expounds the evolution process of Marx's thought of human essence.Under the initial influence of Hegel's philosophy,young Marx regarded human essence as self-consciousness,highly praised the free nature of self-consciousness,and tried to transform the real world through self-consciousness.When Marx encountered the "confusion of material interests" in real life,he gradually realized that the law which claimed rationality had become the means to obtain material interests,which fundamentally shook the philosophical foundation of Marx's pursuit of universal rationality and freedom.Then launched a critique of Hegel's law philosophy,Marx through criticism of the political and religious country,Marx realized that the real life of human alienation is rooted in the economic life,and then turned to the criticism of the economics,as a result,Marx's understanding about the essence of human realized by abstraction to the reality person.On this basis,Marx criticizes the lack of material basis of social life in Hegelian anthropology and Feuerbach's neglect of human's subjective initiative from the perspective of realistic people,and finally forms the concrete historical thought of human essence on the basis of practice.The third part explains the theoretical connotation of Marx's thought of human essence.Marx's thought of human essence is based on the real human being,which is to realize the restoration of human essence after the active abolishment of private property,and to regard the productive practice as the way of human being's existence.Marx explained the various essence of human from different perspectives,including: free and conscious practice is the kind essence of human,the development of comprehensive social relations is the real essence of human,labor as the first need is the natural essence of human.Only by comprehensively understanding Marx's thought of human essence from multiple angles,can we truly grasp the theoretical connotation of Marx's human studies and realize the process of man's formation to his material life,social relations and man himself in production and practice activities.Then it can truly possess its own essence in the real social life,so that people's free personality can be fully developed in production activities,and people's life style appears in a state most suitable for human existence,so as to realize the restoration of human essence for the purpose of human being.The fourth part discusses the ultimate direction of Marx's thought of human essence.In addition to the restriction of historical conditions,the more important reason for the limitations of Marx's predecessors' understanding of human essence lies in the different ways of philosophical thinking,which leads to the completely different nature of the understanding of human essence.Marx actively inherited the“rational core”of Hegel's dialectics,and at the same time solved the exploitation nature of capital logic,so that the essence of human developed continuously in the dialectical nature of practical logic,and realized the transformation from abstract man to realistic man,from intuitive man to practical man,from one-sided man to comprehensive man.The realization of human essence is carried out in the self-denial and social self-denial,which means to realize oneself in the social relations with infinite kinds of possibilities and to create oneself in the society where possibilities are always open.The fifth part shows the contemporary value of Marx's thought of human essence.In the real social life,there are different degrees of human alienation in the aspects of economy,politics and cultural belief.This requires that in the process of social development,we should actively sublate the alienated labor of human being,realize the thorough reform of the mode of production,make labor become the essential force of human being,and only by firmly believe in communism can we resist the invasion of various foreign cultures.In this way,we can actively realize the self-value of human being,enrich the meaning of life existence,realize the real possession of human essence,and make human essence blossom out of various possibilities,At the same time,we can examine the real life with rationality,and make rationality become the consciousness of the real life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Human essence, Practice, Contemporary value
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