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A Study On The Management Of Tai Wan Strait Crisis

Posted on:2018-07-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486305885954529Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper studies on “The Taiwan Strait Crisis Management”,and it starts with the basic concepts and general characteristics of crisis,Taiwan Strait crisis,crisis management and Taiwan Strait crisis management.In the beginning,it analyzes the internal and external factors leading to the outbreak of Taiwan Strait Crisis,experiences and enlightenments from the two times Taiwan Strait Crisis incidents and Crisis Management in the year of 1954 and 1996.Subsequently,the information communication in Taiwan Strait Crisis Management,Taiwan Strait Crisis Management rational decision-making model,and logic relations between Taiwan Strait Crisis Management and Cross-strait relationship will be analyzed.First of all,the concept of Taiwan Strait crisis and Taiwan Strait crisis management are not only different from crisis management in the business,but also on the concept of international crisis and international crisis management.The direct stakeholders of the Taiwan Strait Crisis and management of the Taiwan Strait crisis are the Chinese mainland and Taiwan authority.However,due to the historical and realistic factors,United States plays an important role in Taiwan Strait crisis and the management of Taiwan Strait crisis.Therefore,the work of defining the Taiwan Strait Crisis and Taiwan Strait Crisis Management ought to be undertaken in the special context of the Taiwan Strait.Secondly,experiences and enlightenments of 1954 and 1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis and crisis management have significant impact to the new period of the Taiwan Strait Crisis management.On the one hand,it presents a historical perspective to the study of Taiwan Strait Crisis Management.On the other hand,it also provides a comparative dimension to undertake research on the leading-factors of the Taiwan Strait Crisis and the decision-making model of Taiwan Strait Crisis Management.The structural problems between Chinese Mainland and Taiwan are decisive,and the external factors are also very important.From the internal factors,the political orientation between two sides is the fundamental and sensitive factors that are influencing the political orientation between the two sides include "Taiwan independence" and populism.In the external perspective,influential factors include the "Asia Pacific rebalancing" strategy on the macro level,Taiwan policy adjustment on the meso level and political orientation cognition on the cross-strait on the micro level.Thirdly,information communication plays a key role in the management of Taiwan Strait Crisis.Whether it was before Taiwan Strait crisis or in the stage of the Taiwan Strait crisis,accurate and timely information communication was essential the decision-maker.Information communication not only transfers the decision maker’s position and attitude,but also enables them to reach a consensus through bargaining process.Common interest is a key to solve the crisis in the Taiwan Strait.Based on the information communication,the Taiwan Strait crisis decision-making model can play the biggest role.Rational decision-making model is the main model of the decision-making in the Taiwan Strait Crisis in the new period,and the limited rational decision-making model is a useful supplement to the rational decision-making model.Finally,building an information communication platform and improving the crisis decision-making mechanism are the important methods in enhancing the management capacity of the Taiwan Strait Crisis.Since the outbreak of Taiwan Strait Crisis is periodic to some degree,thus,neither building an information platform nor improving the decision-making mechanism can solve the structural contradiction between two sides.Taiwan Strait crisis not only affects the normal development of cross-strait relations,but also challenges the “soul fit” between two sides.In the pessimistic perspective,the peaceful development of cross-strait relations has began to reverse,the conflict and friction will occur more frequently.On the positive view,the rapid rise of the Chinese mainland enhances its ability to influence the cross-strait relations and the Taiwan Strait crisis,it has become an important force to stabilize the peaceful relationship between the two sides.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taiwan Strait crisis, Information communication, Decision-making model, Cross-strait relations
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