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The Decoration Compare Between Jingdezhen Kiln And Yaozhou Kiln In Song Dynasty

Posted on:2012-08-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiFull Text:PDF
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Currently, there has a theory in the field of Chinese ceramic history, which is the south kilns were generally affected by the north kilns which had advanced technology at that period. Especially after the"Jing-Kang-Incident", in increasing numbers of north people immigrated into south China, then brought advanced techniques. As the representative of the south kiln, the stamping and upside down firing technologies in Jingdezhen ware were affected by the Ding ware indeed. That is definitely concluded at present. However, as the representative of north porcelain wares, the Yaozhou kiln achieved its heights in ceramic manufacture, and formed a numerous northern celadon kiln series.Base on multiple on-site inspections to kiln site and countless books, literary works and ancient records at Jingdezhen kiln and Yaozhou kiln. The text taking carving decoration between Jingdezhen kiln and Yaozhou kiln as the breakthrough point, study and contrast both similarities and differences between the two kilns. And reveal the Fundamental reasons by analyzing the historical background, the social economy, the geographical environment, the characteristics of folklore and technology aspects. Ultimately specified that there were both similarities and differences in decoration between Jingdezhen kiln and Yaozhou kiln On the Characteristics at that time. But the style of decoration to the fundamental reason is the differences in technology, especially in body and glaze for decoration. Moreover, concerning the question we talked about before, to see from a techniques perspective, we haven't found the direct evidence to prove that Yaozhou kiln had an effect upon Jingdezhen kiln yet.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jingdezhen kiln, Yaozhou kiln, Decoration, Technology
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