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E-C Translation Of Technical Texts On Computer Networks Technologies

Posted on:2003-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C S YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360062475171Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In reeent years comPuter netwobo technologies have been develoPing at an amazingspeed and netwOrk aPPlications have tUrned on a new leaf every several days. While it iscrucial to the development of the ff industry in China, introdction of foreign advancednetwork teChnologies is impossible without painstaking effOrts of scientific and technicaltranslators. As a lecturer in one of Cisco's network academies, the author shares hisexPeriences in this paper, with all examPles deliberately selected frOm a sea of computernetworks materials.The paper is divided into six chaPters: the first chaPter focuses on the history andprosPeCt of scientific and teChnical translaton; the second chaPter discusses theestablishment of translatology and itS strUcture; in the following fOur chaPters, translationof technical writings at the word, the phrasaI, the sentence, and the textual level isexplored respectively in great detail.In ChaPter One Part One, based on studies of the predecessors, the author divides thehistory of scientific and technical translation in China into six periods: the aPpendageperiod before Ming; the budding Period between Ming and Qing, the Period of grOwth atthe end of Qing; the Period of fOrmation in the Republic of China; the special period ofde\'elopment shortly after the fOunding of the People's Republic of China; and the all-round development Period since the year 1978. In Part Two, the author makes daring yetreasonable optiAnstic predictions of the future develoPment of scientific and technicaltranslation in China.The second chapter deals with the strUcture of trans1atology. The author is fOr theviews of Tan zexi, a famous translation theorist and translator, that strUcturally thescience of translation can be divided into three basic comPonent partst (a) the generalscience of translation; th) the sPecific science of translation, and (c) the aPplied scienceof translation, and that any translation theory must include the nature of translation,translation criteria and principles, translation methodology, translation process and othertrans1ation related problems to be complete. Based on his proposal is this chapterdeveloped. As for the nature of translation, traditional, literary, and linguisticexplanations are presented; as fOr the translation process, the author lists the some wellknown models such as two-step, three-step, and four-step ones for consideration. As fortIanslation criteria, the author makes a summary of almost all available criteria and tellsthe reasons why there are so many. ln discussing translation methodology. the authorturns mainly to scientific and technical translation methods.The fOllowing four chaPters penetrate into translation of tecImical writings oncomPuter networks at the word, phrasal, sentence, and textual level resPeCtively. Thevarious translaton solutions Provided in these four chaPters reflect the author's arduousefforts.
Keywords/Search Tags:EST (English for science and technology), translatology, translation techniques, history of translation
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