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The Truth In The Sphere Of Logical Semantics

Posted on:2009-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X WangFull Text:PDF
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Truth is an important concept in western philosophy. Since Tarski, philosophers put forward all sorts of truth theory to draw the concept of truth with general and sufficiently ways, then the result is not satisfactory. What's worse is sentence's demonstration of including semantically concept lead to paradox. When Russell studied the set theory in 1902, he advanced the ways of shoveling paradox. Under his influence, Tarski analyzed the semantically truth concept in a language system, thereby he constructed a definition of truth.In many truth theories, Tarski's truth theory of logical Semitics is the one of the most particular truth; his theory advanced in criticized the accord theory and his truth isn't fact truth in epistemology but is logical truth in the formal truth. His logical truth embodied in semantic analysis. He criticize the fuzzy of classical truth theory and first advanced a truth's definition (appropriate in essence and proper in form), which become a great achievement in modern logical science. For avoids dilemma and construct a satisfactory definition of truth in formal language, he stratified the language and put forward his famous language layers theory and Tarski theorem. His Truth semantic theory's methodology in logical semantic not only plays an important role in the domain of philosophy and language and also spread to other subjects and stimulate all science's development. Upon his Truth semantics' influence, many philosophers start their studies from semantics and Truth, which further deepen Truth theory and develop logical semantics.This paper is completed in this background. This article contains five parts: Preface; Chapter one, two, three, four, conclusion. In the preface, I summarize the significance and aim of this theme generally, literature, study contents and methods civil and abroad development.In chapter one, I illustrates the emergence of logical semantics, Tarski' semantics' research object-Truth's content, the background of Truth semantics, the development and classification of truth.In chapter two, 1 expound the contents of Tarski's Truth semantics. For part one, I analyze the origin of Tarski's truth. For part two, I elaborate the foundation of truth semantics---language lagers theory. He divided the language into meta-language, object language and closed language, in case produced paradoxes. For part three, I analyze the two conditions---appropriate in essence and proper in form, expounds the definition of truth in category calculation, advance the formal and non---official explanation, his truth definition incarnated the low of contradiction and excluded middle and affirmed the bivalence truth theory.In chapter three, through the depiction of some important philosophers such as Popper, Davidson, Carnap's theory I believe that it is Tarski's truth theory stimulate the conformation of their important theory, which reflect profound influence of Tarski's truth theory.In chapter four, I evaluate Tarski's truth theory and point out its' significance and limitation. His truth is logical truth, not the fact truth of epistemology, his truth is constructed in idealization language and deviates natural language in personal commutations, his value becomes a low. His truth theory is accord with his name not the proposition and his fact, his definition has deeply methodology meaning.In conclusion, I summarize this paper and review Tarski's semantic truth theory with philosophy's semantic turn.
Keywords/Search Tags:Logic, Truth, Semantics, Accord
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