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On The Space Awareness Of Chinese Traditional Landscape Painting

Posted on:2010-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278496838Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper focuses on the inconsistency in creating Chinese traditional landscape painting from the perspective of the Chinese modern art circle, re-studying the unique space awareness of Chinese traditional landscape painting, comprehensively compared with the perspective in western realism and indicates that the scientific perspective in western painting and the space awareness of Chinese traditional landscape painting totally belongs to two different theory systems, the latter of which is rooted in Chinese traditional philosophy . What is shown is the concept of spiritual space and the whole universe by the painters, whose own spiritual world can be revealed during the process of painting creation as a result of transcending time, space and reality to express one's subjective feelings. This unique space awareness is not influenced by non-Confucianism, Taoism, Zen philosophy. In addition, the space of Chinese traditional painting is to go beyond the limitation of specific and objective images, occupying a unique way of thinking and creative theory, such as the thinking wisdom of"take the Da as the Xiao", the spiritual intention of the"Yuan"and the important form of expression as"take the Bai as the Hei". In a consequence, the creation of Chinese traditional painting is not directly seen by the painter's own physical vision, but a process of"To create a good work, one must learn from the nature". Moreover, it is beyond the objective nature, the visual physical truth and it is a sense of space called"Cycle operation is the basic law of the universe".
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese landscape painting, Philosophical Basis, Space, take the Da as the Xiao, Farness, Blank
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