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The Study Of Logistics Under E-commerce

Posted on:2003-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360065455312Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
While e-commeivx is sweeping Ure world,it is a reasonable idea tliat e-commerce will Ixxx nc lire main commercial model ii i tlx new century. I ''iislly Ure developing inotivatioas of e-LXimmeiu'siicIt as ix-isonali/alion ami convenieixr aieamly/ed in lire reras well as the influence lo UKIradilional material distiibnlion icsullal Hum clianges of ideas aixi beliavior of (Jie consumer and enleipriscs. Ikised on mis consideration,tire flaw of function aixl lire challenge to traditional material distribution arc drawn wlren it is come to lire era of e-commuce. Aller tire importance aixl tire diameters of information tedinology aie addressed acconling lo (Ire logistics lor e-commeiu1,it is easy lo ivxtch tire point Uial Ure strategy of logistics has to be converted lixmi ll ic (radilional iixlepeixlcnl aixl sealed competition nxxlel to the co-o|xralk>n aixl co-exisl slialogy alliairec. I'br Ure same mason lire goal of logistics mast lx- lailoiul lor e-vommeixv fnun nilititing (lie limiletl fuiretioiis to pixwiding aroiuxl quilii,ilivc set vices lo consul 11 .MS.In addilion of lK analysis aU e,Ik' cousinK lion (ifecommcice logistics issludiedaixl explnu'd,including ilie idcvanl inluiinnliuu |t\ himlujik";and Uusiiress jiolicies lo ivr玕li/c lire nru ln|ij';iic Ii u it lii HIS of i HIM M in n tin ilir Hihiiik iii ijjlslics elliciency of inler-itnn|vinu'N aixl inlci ilqiiitnuiil.'i a rlln ll c lu)i.i ilk;i 11 uu u I ici il infoiniation system musl lvcNlal'li.',lKxl,\vliich iii lliepliii Ion Holc'XiK.'ltHKlclliiu nl communicalion. Ihmiigh launching co-ilisliihulioii planning s)'U'm,ckvliunic Iriminal,(racing vehicle system,digital material stoic lo cnliance lire inlbmuilion quilily aixl Ilie elliciency ol transference is tire way to make Ihe decision scientilic .It is mlional lo say lliat logislies infoiniation iretvvoik is Ure nervous system of logislies. Herc is inlnxlucing Ure maluix;infoiniation reading technologies and Inuisilion mcxJels. I'br Uie enhaireing logistics eflicieirey tiaditional busiiress pixTceed aixl construction of inlcr-com|Tanies aixl inter-tleputmeiits also liave to Ire lailoixxl .lire ne-cngincering of logistics Ixpincsscs aixl tire policies of oalering,inventory ,distribution aixl lire lhiixl|\nlv logistic aiesludicxlinlcnsivcly,in order to eliminate Ure obstacles among logistics at picsenl ihixnigli innovation aixl ic-engincering as well as losatisfy Ureireal of e-commerce Uiixiugh eflieienl aixl eflcdivx? logistics. 'Ihixxigh ceitciin busiiress |xilicies aixl infbnnation lechix)logies the nxxlem logistics structure aixl communiaitive model aic o|timi/ed as to enliiincc tire logistics cllicicney lor lire realization of every logistics function.Of course,il is unieasonable to suspect Uiat Ure logistic a)nstiircted according to Ure rules above is perfected. Dining Ure developing proceed of e-commerce,a certain rcgulaled system should Ire working effectively to fiixl aixl deal wiUi problems in order to optimize Ure tunninglogistics system. What is more,as tlie business and technology is advancing forward high level Uiere will te some new problems lising (ix)in regulation business,so the impoilance of relevant management system is very obvious. Among (lie regulation task of management tliere. are thive locus problans which must be dealt with effectively,keeping tlie steady consumer relationship,maintaining (lie logistic infonnation system miming efficiently and smoothly and constructing perfect logistics measurement and evaluation sv'slem. Dealing with tlie three tasks eflbctively is not only (lie pro-requisition of tlie steady aiming of logistic (or e-commerce,but also the key to perfecting the logistics at present...
Keywords/Search Tags:e-commerce, logistics, supply chain, strategy alliance
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