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Research On The Strategic Alliances Of Small-middle Commercial Banks In China

Posted on:2004-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C S YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360092491427Subject:Enterprise Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Strategic Alliances between enterprise organizations have been paid attention by enterprise and theoretical fields. Recently various activities about Strategic Alliances have been hold more and more. The performance of Strategic Alliances has become important means for contemporary enterprises to make use of external resource and develop their own core competence. Now scholars are researching the motive and essence of Strategic Alliances. With China's entry into WTO, the situation of competition among commercial banks becomes more intense, and commercial managerial pressure on small-middle commercial banks becomes greater. As a new thing and valid means to develop business and resist risk, Strategic Alliances is attached importance and put into effect by the bank manager.The Alliance has been applied in enterprise as strategy and began to be carried out on banking, but consensus on its conception has not been made for it. Therefore, the article referred to the description of Westerns such as Culpan, Sierra and Mike.Poter and combined with the research of many interior learned people such as Shizhangzhong, Huangliwei. On this basis, the author analyzes the motives and the conception of Strategic Alliances. Then, we generally research the reality significance of small-middle commercial banks' building Strategic Alliances, how to build it and how to manage it efficiently. The article mainly focuses on the forms of Strategic Alliances, the option of strategic alliances cooperation and its managerial model.This article contains five chapters. In the first chapter the author introduces the reason of choosing the topic and the main structure of the article. With China's entry into WTO, the situation of banking's competition becomes more intense, small-middle commercial banks' managers begin to recognize the importance of Strategic Alliances and put it into execution. So theories are needed to guide the related practical activities. It is the purpose of this article.In the second chapter the author illustrates four issues: the conception description of Strategic Alliances, the motives of Strategic Alliances, the forms of Strategic Alliances and Strategic Alliances management model: Strategic Alliances, structure, culture, mechanism. The enterprise Strategic Alliances should contains the following several respects, (i) The aim of building Strategic Alliances. These enterprises that build strategic alliances must take their own strategic aim consideration and take it for realizing its long-term goal, (ii) The duration of Strategic Alliances. The cooperative relationship between enterprises in Strategic Alliances shows long-term feature, it is for the sake of enterprise's long-term development, (iii) The cooperative extent of Strategic Alliances. The Strategic Alliances can be happened between enterprises in either thesame business or different complementary business in one value chain. And it can lie in one business or various businesses in wide fields, (iv) The forms of Strategic Alliances. Its forms are characterized by its varieties because of its wide cooperative fields and the varieties of cooperative business. Therefore, the author regards that Strategic Alliances are long-term cooperative arrangement that beyond normal general marketing exchange between enterprises by contracts or shares in order to realize their own strategic goals. At the same time, it is differentiates Strategic Alliances from temporary project cooperation between enterprise and market from the aspect of its organization character in this article.Strategic Alliances can be divided into Functional Agreed Strategic Alliances and Share Participial Strategic Alliances according to its degree and extent. Functional Agreed Strategic Alliances is cooperation with the means of agreement in one or more fields, in which the participants keep their own legal and organization. The latter concerns combination of property rights, its allied degree is deeper than the former's.Meanwhile, based on relative researches of a lot of scholars, a...
Keywords/Search Tags:Strategic Alliances, small-middle commercial bank, Strategic Alliances management model, Core competence, Synergy effect
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