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Study Of Adjustment For Development Strategy Of Southwest Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd

Posted on:2003-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360092975209Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
SWA as the head of aluminum fabrication enterprise in domestic profession and CHAC has made 5 great strategies. With getting WTO, SWA will face foreign aluminum fabrication enterprise to occupy China market and make huge impact China market. New ware of investing domestic aluminum process to invest in heat, SWA's core competition ability gets greater threat, that indicates the big, technical pressing necessity of innovation and transform of the heavy, market competitive pressure of the task of structural adjustment that develops strategic and its intension adjustment. According to the internal and external department after SWA's changing, this paper makes use of theory and method of strategic management, using advantage and good fortune, surmount inferior position and threat, go ahead on the foundation developed strategy , make all-around evaluation and adjustment , focusing on cultivating key competition ability , creating and maintaining the competitive advantage in profession, selecting increasing and diversified type operation strategy, performing 6 great strategy as the core with differentia fine article strategy, planning SWA's development tendency in the future...
Keywords/Search Tags:aluminum fabrication, strategic management, internal condition external environmental, fine article strategy
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