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On The System Of People's Congress Of Our Country

Posted on:2006-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L MaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Representative system is a unique choice of modern democratic country. It originated from direct democracy of ancient Greece and republic system of ancient Rome and evolved with capitalist economic system. On history, China is one of the country which lack the democratic tradition. The autocratic foundation does not become flexible until modern time. After the foundation of new China, the representative government which reflects the nature of democracy in an all-round way for the first time in China's history was just set up. People's representative body——People's congress begun to decide the national political life as the state organ, system of People's congress was set up at the same time. However, There are so many drawbacks in the People's Congress system of our country because of the lack of theory support: the elect of people's representatives can not express the will of the people adequately, the number of the representatives is too much, the structure is unreasonable, and the whole quality is not high; when the representatives carry out their duty, they lack essential motive force and the means; the guarantees for representatives to carrying out the duty is so insufficient that it can not play due guarantee function; supervision in representatives is not overall or strong, and the representatives have less pressures from voters. These defects, have influenced the deputy to the National People's Congress of our country as the full play on function of "envoy of people's power" seriously. Therefore, we have to perfect the current regulation in these aspects: the elect ional system, the shoe duty system, the post guarantee system, the surveillance system of people's representatives. In order to ensure the right to vote and stand for election of the voters to get the most abundant realization, guarantee to elect representatives that represent the people's will and interests completely and accurately, participate in executing state power.
Keywords/Search Tags:Representative system democracy, People's congress Deputy to the People's Congress, Institutional improvement
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