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Suggestions For Perfecting The Legal System Of Energy Saving

Posted on:2011-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330305960519Subject:Environmental Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Energy saving is saving energy, reducing energy consumption and reducing emissions. China's rapidly growing energy consumption and excessive dependence on foreign oil prompted the Government to put forward in early 2006:That in 2010, the unit GDP energy consumption decreased 2 percent compared to 2005, decreased emissions of major pollutants into 90 percent. These two indicators together, what we call "energy saving." The process from the energy saving and emission of view, although the intensity of growing government also has made some practical results. However, the current is still dominated by the central government, mainly by administrative means, to rely on administrative promotion, relying on indicators of discipline and financial investment, still with a strong response and mechanism of color uniformity. Based on the work of the long-term energy saving and seriousness of the situation, future work should focus on long-term, comprehensive regulation, the establishment of long-term energy saving legal mechanisms. Energy conservation in China's economic and social development of a long-term strategic policy, which is currently a very urgent task. We should establish and implement the scientific development concept, vigorously promote energy saving throughout society, improve energy efficiency, Accelerate the construction of energy-saving society, conflict mitigation of energy constraints and environmental pressures to protect the well-off society goals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Energy saving, Energy, Legal meehanisms, Saving soeiety
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