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On Coordination Of Trade And Environment Under WTO System

Posted on:2006-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H YangFull Text:PDF
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Free trade and the environment protection are all the objects of international community, They share the same ultimate goals to increase social welfare through improving existence quality. But existing environmental policies(including countries environmental legislation and multilateral environmental agreements ) are not very compatible with the free trade system of WTO, they are conflict in many respects. How to coordinate their relationship becomes a stark problem in the field of free trade. The writer studies this from the perspective of theory analysis, syncrisis and generalization, case, etc.Chapter one explain the conflicts of free trade and environmental protection. The free trade will bring the environmental question, cause the overexploitation and pollution of the environmental resources to be shifted to the low standard country by the high-standard country. Environmental protection at the same time challenge to the free trade system , and hinder the free trade to a certain extent.In Chapter two some detailed analysis is put to introduce the legislation and practise about trade and environment in WTO. The content correlated with environmental protection are stipulated in the aim of WTO , GATT 20 , SPS , TBT and other agreements, it can draw a conclusion that environment protection is treated as some exception in WTO system, this dissertation analyzes the coordination of trade and environment in judicial practice of WTO. It makes some extent balance between free trade and environment protection by interpreting related words such as "necessary", "exhausted natural resources" etc, and by making the preface pliable.Chapter three expound coordination of trade and environment in some interregional trade organizations, a set of standard rules related to balanced trade and environment is made systematically in NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement); it is a good sample in treating MEAs...
Keywords/Search Tags:WTO, Free Trade, Environmental Protection, Coordination
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