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The Civic Consciousness Under Socialist Contract Ethics Field Of Vision

Posted on:2007-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lu Xun has the opinion that to found a nation must cultivate its citizen's moral character first. What kind of civic consciousness does a nation generally has, be it the citizen consciousness or the subject consciousness, is an important issue bearing on the country's future and destiny. Devotion to raise our country national's citizen consciousness is a historic task of social significance. As one kind of up-to-date consciousness, citizen consciousness, specifically regards for oneself and the other people as one who has the freedom, rights, dignity and value, and dare to defend oneself and other people's freedom, rights, dignity and value. This kind of consciousness also includes the citizen's sense of responsibility regarding national and society, however, this kind of sense of responsibility comes from political and the social ethics ideas of the rights standard. This is a self-esteem and respect for human social responsibility. The essence of citizen awareness is the pursuit and desire of freedom, democracy and equality. Only under the framework of the contract and ethical culture of the socialist system can this civic awareness be reasonably stated. Therefore, this article will place the research on fostering civic awareness under the background of the contract and ethical culture of the socialist system, thus laying a solid theoretical basis for the training of civic consciousness.The full text is composed of three major parts, namely: The social background to train civic consciousness;The basic elements of civic consciousness;The concrete contents of civic consciousness.The first part mainly elaborates the systematic condition and the non-systematic condition under which the civic consciousness isoriginated and points out the great significance of elevation of the civic consciousness under the background of socialism contract ethics culture. The second part mainly analyzes the basic factors which constitute of the civic consciousness, for example: Citizen's consciousness of rights;Citizen's responsibility or voluntary consciousness as well as citizen's host consciousness. Through the analysis to these three basic essential factors, we may clearly realize the true connotation of the civic consciousness, laying a solid theoretical basis for the training of civic consciousness.The third part specifically elaborates the concrete contents of the civic consciousness, including: The sense of participation, Tax payment consciousness, Consciousness of sincerity, Self-development consciousness and consciousness of respect for the other people's freedom. Through analysis for the concrete contents, this part enables people to have a more concrete understanding and mastery on the content of civic consciousness, to train the civic consciousness in each aspect of life and manifest the citizen spirit.
Keywords/Search Tags:Socialist contract ethic, Civic consciousness, Citizen society
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