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The Soundly Sleep And Awakening Of Democracy Consciousness

Posted on:2007-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H G ChenFull Text:PDF
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Villagers election and villagers autonomous are the important foundations which builds up the composite system democracy and the procedural democracy in our country. In the countryside, what most can manifest the farmer's democracy consciousness and exercise their democratic right is villagers election. Currently, the farmer's democracy consciousness still is in a lower level in china. Quite a few farmers remain indifferent to the election, and lack the necessary character of political participation and the rational concept of political participation, the acts of no respecting the rights of others and breaking the law to interfere or destruction the election are still more. On the other hand, villagers are awakening of civic rights. They have a fairly strong pursuit to the democracy, and gradually increase their awareness to safeguard their democratic rights which are institutionalized or systematic way and take action to defend. The growth of democracy consciousness is inseparable from democratic practice and the development of democracy requires good law and order. But, the practice of grassroots democracy is still lacking in depth and the legal system villagers election is certainly imperfect, and the protection of democracy right is very limited, the rule of law condition still can't satisfy the demand of democracy development far and far. Therefore, further deepening the practice of democracy and strengthening democracy by rule of law becomes an important part to safeguarding and developing into grass-roots democracy in china.
Keywords/Search Tags:grassroots democracy, democracy consciousness, villagers elections, the psychology, the behavior
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