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The Study On Peasants' Behavior Logic In Their Employment

Posted on:2012-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y GuoFull Text:PDF
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The concept of peasants in traditional culture is defined in term of their employment. At present, peasants'concept has change to "all agricultural registered permanent residence" from the traditional concept of "agricultural producers". The confusion of identity and employment is the mainstream of study. The classical theories such as moral economy theory, peasants behavior-rational theory, or synthesis theories represented by "involutionary theory" all provide a wide range of theoretical reference to understand farmers under academic circumstances, in which the researches of peasants'behavior logic are more complex. The complexity of peasants' study makes it difficult for us to define peasants' behavior clearly. To have in-depth understanding of peasants, we should link peasants to their social background and to relate individual behavior to complex environment.Therefore, this study attempts to show the true profile of peasants'employment and to analyze the logic of peasants'employment behavior under the two different even opposite forces- the state and the society, on basis of the existing research. I take the employment history of peasants in Zhu village in northwestern Shandong as a research object, placing the employment behavior of peasants in a changing historical process. What's more, to make the following efforts:using the concept of living rationality to sum up peasants'subsistent rationality, economic rationality and evolutive rationality. This rationality is peasants'instincts behavior to pursuit a better life, get rich, live out their life in retirement and breed on the basis of satisfying the basic survival. The double impacts of forces mentioned above in different historical stages causes different pressures that peasants must to face. And then, these pressures produce different motives and employment-oriented behavior. But basically they are forced by life. This is a kind of living rationality. Understanding the behavior of peasants by peasants' logic in practicing process is a longitudinal analysis to understand the logic of social practice in rural areas from the dynamic point of view. This study concludes six chapters. The first chapter is introduction. In this chapter I made a literature review of research on peasants'behavior, sort out the academic viewpoints on the behavior of peasants, and then I gave commentary on the researches. What's more, I introduced the research framework, the research method and the sample of Zhu village. From the second chapter to the forth chapter, I discussed the process of peasants'employment respectively according to different eras. In the second chapter, I introduced the employment of peasants in Zhu village in Collective economic system. I studied behavior logic of peasants through restoring the employment of peasants with the strong intervention under the state power. The third chapter is the employment behavior in the system of contracted responsibilities on the household basis with remuneration linked to output, which last to the year 2000. I introduced the employment behavior and research on the employment motivation and behavior logic in the background of gradual loosen of country strength and emergence of social power. The forth chapter examines the peasants'employment situation since 2001, which featured of the implementation of "Land Circulation Policy" and social advances. Find out the behavioral logic of peasants'employment by inspecting the employment veer in this period. Chapter five is the summary of the employment behaviors of the above three historical periods. The living logic is the mainline of their employment behavior though peasants'employment manifests different behavior logics in different historical stages. Chapter six is the conclusion. This study suggests that the employment history of peasants reveals the deep sense of insecurity of life, reason being the incapacity of peasants to take risks. Therefore, to solve the "Three Rural Issues" our government should take a serious look at the professional status of peasants'employment, eliminate the insecurity sense of peasants, and provide peasants with subsidized support.
Keywords/Search Tags:peasants, professional identity, rationality, living logic, behavior logic
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