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Analysis Of Students' Teaching Evaluation Based On Beneficiary

Posted on:2012-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330335964635Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The quality of teaching in higher education was considered as a hot topic in our society. It was an important part that teaching evaluation was carried out in higher education to guarantee its teaching quality. Students' teaching evaluation activities should be improved further as an important mathod of teaching.It was argued that that students should receive more benefits of teaching and evaluation activities in university because they were particular stakeholders for university. The thesis was based on the students themselves, so teaching evaluation activities should pay more attention the needs and development of students. Firstly, the undergraduates of University E was selected to do the survey, so more information about teaching evaluation activities of University E was collected through questionnaire survey. Secondly, according to students'new ideas about teaching evaluation, it was analysed why the students maintained such attitude towards teaching evaluation. Finally, some suggestions were summrized through further analysis.First, if the purpose of teaching evaluation is not clear, futher propaganda and guidance should be enhanced; second, the students should be encouraged to participate in teaching evaluation activities; third, as for evaluating teaching content, teaching evaluation activities proceeded from the students (beneficiaries) who was the dominant position in teaching evalution; fourth, the students'relevant rights should be respected and protected in evaluating activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching Evaluation, Students' Teaching Evaluation, Beneficiary
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