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The Construction Of Grass-Root Meaning System

Posted on:2011-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K ZhouFull Text:PDF
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In the context of modernization, the problem of meaning lost in everyday life is inevitable, and it always accompanies the objective existence of "cultural lag". And on this condition, the folk beliefs can indeed be used as some kind of spiritual sustenance in people's daily life. Therefore, the study of folk belief not only helps to understand the grass-roots community culture, is also conducive to reveal the original appearance of the social life. Currently, most of scholars home and abroad have explored the problem of folk beliefs in a relatively reductive way, based on the rational choice theory, theory of religion and other western classical religious sociological theories, and few have carried out any exquisite and localized fieldwork on the beliefs practice of peasants in north of China. To this end, this article is taking Changwu-Town folk votary's beliefs practice as the main object of study and making non-structured interviews and participatory observation combined as the survey collection, with the comparative analysis, to analyze the influence assessment of beliefs practice to Changwu-Town folk votary's daily life and its formation conditions from folk beliefs and daily living needs. Thereby, make objective and description on the present upsurge of folk belief of Changwu Town.Between the present Changwu-Town folk votary's faith practices, whether private or organizational, they are both kind of presentation of their living conditions, and can both reflect the main social problem of Changwu Town. The fast development of folk belief is based on that it can help them resolve their life condition of meaning lost, with grass-root meaning system built by Chang-town peasants as its tool. The two social changes have provided essential condition for its building: votary's affinity to folk belief; free and loose belief environment and imperfect social security system. If these conditions were cast upon common individual, the practical nature of the grass-root meaning system would be exposed from its building and embodied with the grass-root and practical nature of Changwu-town peasants'faith practice, which is that they only choose those belief that not only accord with local culture and their life experiences, but also can be cognized by them, and that the purpose that they do faith practice is for hoping it help them resolve the problem of meaning lost in their daily life. Therefore, the grass-root meaning system is suitable for Changwu-town local culture and social development and has its rationality, but its practical nature, especially something superstition in it, makes it be not able to bring them real improvement of their life, but only help them solve the problem temporarily. With regards to this, the government of Changwu Town has the responsibility to fully meet Changwu-town peasants'demand in their daily life, and to try its best to coordinate economic construction and culture construction, to have them become the main beneficiary in constructing the new countryside.
Keywords/Search Tags:Peasants in Changwu Town, folk beliefs, grass-root meaning system, practicability
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