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Studying Way" In Chinese Class Teaching Of The Senior High School

Posted on:2004-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J YaoFull Text:PDF
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As the foundation of High School education, Chinese education with the acquisition of its knowledge and the cultivation of its ability, is mainly on the basis of "Accepting way" as well as the current situation of the whole process of High School education . In order to produce students' spirit of creativity and the ability to practise , Accepting Way in the past should be changed effectively, permeating Chinese education with the ideas of Studying Way instead of the Accepting Way and making sure that the students play fully active roles in the class teaching; The Chinese class teaching should also put emphasis on teaching the students, combining with the contents of Chinese lessons, how to discover things, raise questions, think and solve the problems all by themselves. As to the aspects of cultivating the ability and habits in the Studying Way, class teaching in Chinese should play the main role in the field of the quality education to help the students develop in harmony ,freely, sufficiently and completely.
Keywords/Search Tags:Studying
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