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The Attempts And Thoughts About How To Nurture The Middle School Students' Autonomous Learning Ability In English Teaching

Posted on:2005-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H QuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360122991849Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Independence study has always been paid attention to by the educational psychology. In the 1950s, each school of psychology explored independence study at different angles. Because of the long-term effect of "the education for passing the examinations", especially the serious effect of the partial pursuit for the college entrance rate, the education of junior school and senior school can't get rid of the fetter of "the education for passing the examinations". The phenomenon "The teachers talk while the students listen; The teachers write while the students copy; The teachers test while the students recite; Putting emphasis on knowledge while ignoring the ability of the students; Putting emphasis on the score while ignoring the character of the students." exists widely. The students study passively and don't know how to learn. The efficiency of teaching is very low and the burden of lessons for the students has become heavier and heavier. This not only affects the health of the students, but also disturbs the development of the students' personality. Therefore, we think we should improve our teaching method, nurture the students' autonomous learning ability and make the students learn how to study. Only in this way can the students study actively and lightly ;Only in this way can the character and the strong suits of the students develop freely; Only in this way can the quality of the students be improved; Only in this way can we change "the education for passing the examinations" into "the quality education".Modern educational theory thinks that teachers and students are the two basic elements in teaching activities. The students are those who are educated. But they don't accept the education passively. They have the subjectivity. Only through making use of the students' positivity can the effects of all kinds of education get the expected results. Therefore, all the teaching activities must aim at promoting the students'go-aheadism and enthusiasm, making the students have full motivation,studying actively and being good at studying.Modern educational theory also think the school education should put emphasis on teaching the students how to learn, nurturing the students' autonomous learning ability, basing the students' foundation for "lifetime study", which has become the educational slogan that has the characteristics of the times.The first party of the thesis introduces the conception of independence study, the educational psychology theories about independence study and the factors that affecting the independence study. The second part of the thesis aims at exploring the strategies promoting independence study. It first summarizes the ways promoting independence study. Secondly, it summarizes all kinds of study strategies. Thirdly, it inquiries into the creation of the conditions for independence study. Fourthly, it synthesizes the characteristics of teaching modes for independence study, and the characteristics of the students in the classroom where the students are the main body and the teachers play the important role in instructing the students: being willing to learn; being happy to learn; being good at learning; and knowing how to learn. Finally, it states the teaching strategy of "four bys" and "four unifications". The third part of the thesis looks into the students I am teaching by giving out a questionnaire. Looking into mainly the factors that affect the students' independence study: the students' self-determination; the effects of the teachers' actions on the students' self-determination; family environments effects on the students' self-determination. According to the present conditions of the students, the teachers should pay attention to nurturing the students' autonomous learning ability in English language teaching. Through experiments we prove the practical use of the teaching strategies and study strategies mentioned above. The fourth part of the thesis states the real meaning of the "independence study" classroom teaching and the suggestions for the future English teaching.The conc...
Keywords/Search Tags:independence study, autonomous learning ability, teaching strategies, learning strategies, "The students study independently" classroom teaching
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