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A Research On Moral Cognition Of Secondary School Students

Posted on:2005-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L LuoFull Text:PDF
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The secondary vocational school---- the new coming of our reform and opening---- carries the burden of continue-education and pre-career training. Because the secondary vocational school students (SVSS) are different from the middle school students, teachers often complain about their low-level moral cognition and moral character, also they are hard to be subjected to discipline. Even there is a common concept that there exists a disparity between SVSS and middle school students. Moral degeneration also influences the effect of moral education of secondary vocational school. So teachers in secondary vocational school are duty-bound to improve the students' competence of moral cognition. To enforce the actual-effect of moral teaching, it is essential to investigate the students' moral cognition conditions. Base on Kohlberg's the dilemma method. A project is carried out in Guangxi to test the moral cognition of SVSS.We tested the SVSS's moral cognition conditions by the means of reading story .We used SPSS10.0 to analyse the data. Compare and analyse the data by the means of Frequencies, Crosstabs and Chi square test. The survey shows that the competence of moral cognition of SVSS is not comparative with their ages, still in low level. It also shows that there is not obvious difference between SVSS and middle school students. It may be misunderstanding that the competence of moral cognition of SVSS is in lower level than that of middle school students. Thus, in order to develop students' moral character, the reform of moral teaching is to begin with the reform of the teaching content, the creation of the teaching method.This thesis contains three parts. The first part discusses the realistic sense of the research on moral cognition conditions of SVSS, and the theory of moral cognition development. Through the description of the theory of moral cognition development, this part demonstrates the definition, content, forming of moral cognition and the current research of moral cognition development. This part also discusses the realistic sense of the research on moral cognition competence of SVSS, which benefits teachers of secondary vocational school to get well known of the competence of moral cognition to improve moral education in accordance with the characteristics of SVSS. The research on moral cognition of SVSS provides the psychology support to moral education, and enforces the effect of moral education. The research is also good to enforce the consciousness of moral education and make teachers have more confidence of moral education.The second part deals with the survey of moral cognition conditions of SVSS. The project is carried out to investigate the moral cognition competence of students in 4 secondary vocational schools and a middle school. Considering the whole students, sex, region difference, grade and varied stories, we analyse the moral cognition competence, the difference of story-test, and the fluctuation in the state of moral cognition.The third part discusses the way of improving the moral cognition competence of SVSS. First, the teaching methods should be changed and enriched by making use of the theory of action-education, modern educational technique and changing the means of examination. Second, the moral education should be strengthened. Finally, the content of moral education should be renewed, including the levels of which. We should combine the moral education and vocational moral education, and develop the moral education by making use of carrying out school-based curriculum and implicit curriculum.
Keywords/Search Tags:secondary vocational school, students, moral cognition research
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