Since the seventies of 20th century, the information technologies developed so rap-idly that the citizen's information literacy level and information literacy training become the hot topic of international educational society. The American Library Association Presidential Committee on Information Literacy published A Progress Report on Infor-mation Literacy in 1989, the report pointed out: To be Information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. The conclusion of the report stated: Now knowledge– not minerals or agriculture products or manufactured goods– is this coun-try's most precious commodity, and people who are information literate– who know how to acquire knowledge and use it– are America's most valuable resources. The western developed countries have published many valuable papers, books and standards of infor-mation literacy. Although many scholars of China have been studied about information literacy both on theoretical and practical aspects these years, the information literacy training of students is still not took seriously in many colleges and universities.This paper has cited the information literacy research achievements over the world for reference. It includes five parts. First, it briefly introduces the history of the in-formation literacy concept. Second, based on the introduction of information literacy standards of America and Australia, considering the situation of many universities of China, the author thinks the information literacy training contents should include five domains: knowledge and skill of information and information technology; consciousness and ethics of information; selection and access of information; analysis and evaluation of information; use and creation of information. Third, it gives the information literacy sur-vey result of science and technology students in SDUT. Fourth, it points out the impor-tance and urgency of information literacy training for college students. Finally, the au-thor suggests five information literacy training strategies for regular universities and col-leges based on his theoretical study and teaching practice. |