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A Comparative Studyt About The Employment Situation Of Urban And Rural College Graduates

Posted on:2009-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y KongFull Text:PDF
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Education is a potentia l socia l status. Of the individ ual, a person'seducation situation to a large extent determine his choice of career and socia lmobility situation, education as a capital is an important mea ns to achievesocia l mobility and access to socia l status. For the society as a whole, therealization of a fair education and education pla ying the role of socia l mobilitycan build a fair, reasonable, open society flows.With the current vigorous development of China's higher education, thecollege graduates as a huge socia l groups, the process of they left the campusand go to work is now the largest form of socia l mobility in China. Educationcapital in the course has pla yed an important role, the college graduates'educationa l experience, practice experience and certifica tes and so on, areimportant factors in the process of find ing a good job and upward socia lmobility. However, we are unable to put aside other factors when discuss therole of education capital, because in the actual situation, the possessory ofeducation capital is impacted by their family capital, there is a certain degreeof continuity between a student's education capital and his family capital. Thisperforma nce is outsta nding in the urban and rural college graduates'employment and socia l mobility process.At present, there are ma ny significa nt differences in urban and ruralcollege graduates' employment opportunity, concept of employment, careerchoices and so on. The urban college graduates have more employmentadvantages tha n rural college graduates,which triggered the author's concern.The differences of urban and rural college graduates in employment and socia l mobility certainly endanger China's education fair idea ls, and not conducive tothe build ing of a harmonious society. The author discuss this issue from theperspective of socia l mobility.This paper analysized the above issue from the two dimensions ofeducation capital and the family capital, through horizontal comparion theeffects of education capital and family capital for their employment, andlongitudina l analysis of college graduates and their parents' generation mobileconditions, to find how the family and education capital affect their socia lmobility. The study found that, the college graduates' employment situation isdetemined by both education capital and family capital, the Game of the twofactors determines the college graduates' socia l mobility situation to a largeextent, the two both impact in the formation of China's socia l mobilitymecha nism.For the college graduates, families will pla y an important role in theiremployment . The family's economic capital, socia l capital and cultural capitalhave varying degrees of impact on their employment and the situation of socia lmobility. Family capital as a previous factor is affecting college graduates'upward socia l mobility, the differences of urban and rural college graduates'family capital possession , objectively lead to the differences in theiremployment. Currently, China's socia l class differentiation is increasingly clear,while education pla ys a role of flow, narrow the gap between the positive roleof class, but the impact of family capital is enormous, the origina l classstrengthened this socia l class structure through inter-generationa l transmissionof the ir calss advantages .Through further analysis found tha t,the current gap between urban and rural college graduates' access to education and family capital is roots in theurban-rura l dual structure, which is a system barriers of our society. In theurban and rural dual-structure system, the development of urban and ruraleducation is unfair. On the one hand, the limited educationa l resources aretoward to the cities, the educationa l opportunities for urban and rural students avery uneven; On the other hand, different economic and socia l conditions ofurban and rural students' families lead ing toa big differences of theireducationa l opportunities and educational quality. Rural students ma yconfronting very big obstacle in accesse to ducation capital, furthermore, thelack of family capital also has led them to a disad vantaged position. There isno doubt that this situation hinder for the formation of a reasonable mecha nismsocia l mobility system, and could even lead to a vicious cycle of China'scurrent urban-rura l dual structure.Based on the educationa l function of socia l mobility, it is necessary toachieve educationa l equity to build a fair, open and reasonable socia l mobilitysystem It is a long-term and arduous task, we have ma ny things to do.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comparative
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