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The Impassioned Teaching Method And Enhancing Chinese Language Education

Posted on:2009-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X LiuFull Text:PDF
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Gearing education towards a child's all-around development is incredibly important. At the middle school level, current methods for teaching Chinese language are deep-rooted in exam performance. Testing is important, but only focusing on this aspect creates a dull classroom environment. This article will examine current teaching methodologies, and investigate the effectiveness of the Impassioned Teaching Method (ITM) in middle school Chinese language education.As the induction says that while ITM has existed throughout Chinese history, it has recently been influenced by a new generation of Eastern and Western thinkers.The foundation of ITM is making the connotation of this kind of method very clear as well as giving the Theoretical foundation.. Teachers can use ITM to make students excited, and really engage them intellectually. The ultimate goal is to instill in students a passion for learning. To accomplish this, ITM strives to make learning appealing in itself. ITM theory is rooted in principles of psychology, education, and management. From a psychological perspective, ITM is closely related to a person's motivation, attention, logic, and imagination. From an education standpoint, using ITM is a must for quality education, and for harmonious student-teacher relations. Finally, from a managerial perspective, ITM embodies fundamental and dynamic principles.The second part is about the Questionnaire survey and the analysis of the Questionnaire survey. To gauge the new method's effectiveness, middle school students are taught language classes using traditional methods and ITM. Students are subsequently given a questionnaire, to provide feedback on the two teaching styles. While some still found language study unappealing, results indicate that ITM effectively makes more students enjoy learning. The third part is about the basic strategy of ITM .The successful implementation of ITM has many facets. It is important for teachers to get close to their students, and be willing to get involved in their lives. From a classroom management standpoint, teachers need to create a relaxed classroom atmosphere, and emphasize equality in discussions. Each lesson should be crafted meticulously, as if it were a piece of art. Teaching in this way builds anticipation and interest, and can awaken a student's soul.This fourth part draws on a number of specific classroom examples, further elucidating how ITM works.While in ways ITM is new, it still holds the intrinsic quality of Chinese language education. Rather than being regarded as a fixed education method, ITM should be thought of as a framework. It requires teachers to put their whole heart into teaching. They should lead classes to the best of their ability, with lots of enthusiasm, and really encourage students to think positively. Through ITM, teachers can truly help students reach their potential.
Keywords/Search Tags:middle school Chinese language, Impassioned Teaching Method (ITM), Theoretical foundation, Questionnaire survey, Basic strategy
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