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On The DeveloPment Of Risk

Posted on:2010-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360278461870Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Risk in develoPment is the uncertainty that originates from the society and the structural surroundings, interferes, influences, and threatens the social stability, coordination, and sustainable develoPment, to a certain degree, that can be Perceived, foreseen and ProPerly solved in the develoPment of the society. Risk in develoPment emerges from the very beginning of the human society, it based mainly on human risks in the Period of the industrial civilization. The modern Period accelerates a new develoPment trend that Promotes human beings entering a high-risk Period of social develoPment and attracts more concern and constant research of both Chinese and overseas scholars on the basis of the comPlicities and reciProcity among its various internal relationshiPs.Risk in develoPment, in origin, has the duality of nature and society; in the state of existence, time and sPace; in the Perceiving state, subjectiveness and objectiveness; in quantification, calculability and incalculability; in consequence, Passiveness and Positiveness. The Prominence of risk in develoPment in ecosPhere, economic field, society and Political field enables human start the origin-Probe investigation. In social structurology, risk in develoPment in modern society is the derivative in the Process of mismatching among the Position mechanism, motivation mechanism, integration mechanism, oPeration mechanism and control mechanism of the social develoPment. The emergence of the human risks constitutes the main source of the risk in social develoPment.Neutralizing the risk in develoPment is an urgent and whole society concerned Problem. To neutralize the risk investment in the modern society Positively, establishing the correct thought of risk in develoPment, strengthening scientific management, recreating the cultural tensility, reforming the social systems, seeking the common interest and maintaining the balance between the Positive ParticiPation of multi-Pole Practicing subjects and global negotiation are Particularly necessary. Only in this way, would the social risk in develoPment be held within limits.Due to the globalization shock, the negative effect of market economy and the various Problems in China's social transition, China is stePPing into the Period in which the risk in develoPment emerges Prominently. To this Point, the Third Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Party Puts forward to the scientific develoPment concePt which is the scientific generalization and summarization of the Party and the PeoPle's new Practical exPerience in resisting the risks, the only way of creating fresh Progress in reform, develoPment and stability and neutralizing social risk in develoPment in the modern Period. In carrying out the scientific develoPment concePt, we should Pursue scientific sPirit, deal with the risk in develoPment dialectically, get away from the traditional mode and try to seek the multi-Pole subject to neutralize the risks on the basis of human-oriented, Plan in entirety and establish the security mechanism for neutralizing the risk in develoPment.
Keywords/Search Tags:risk in develoPment, cause, neutralizing, scientific develoPment concePt
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