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A Study On The Socialism System Of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics

Posted on:2015-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330434457930Subject:Marxism in China
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In our country continue to deepening political refonn in the background, to further improve the democratic nature of democratic politics is very important. Perfecting socialism with Chinese characteristics negotiated democracy is a necessary requirement to further promote our democratic political construction. Report of the party’s18first proposed to improve the "socialist consultative democracy", and to improve the socialist democratic system as a consultation to promote political reform, an important measure to strengthen the construction of socialist democratic politics. Third Plenary Session of the Party’s eighteen again stressed that "deliberative democracy is a unique form of China’s socialist democratic politics and unique advantages, is an important manifestation of the Party’s mass line in the political sphere." Therefore, researching the deliberative democracy with Chinese characteristics system, not only theoretical significance, but also practical significance.The first part of this article describes the theoretical basis and the basic concept of democratic system of socialism with Chinese Characteristics consultation. Theoretical basis of democratic socialism with Chinese characteristics consultation system:First, deliberative Democracy Marxist ideology, including Marx, Engels and Lenin’s conception of democracy and Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao’s deliberative democracy thoughts; Second, the deliberative Democracy theory. Deliberative democracy is a means to seek political legitimacy as a starting point, equality and freedom of citizens rational guidance of people’s vital interests related to major issues and practical problems of social development, taking extensive discussion and consultation, in order to achieve the most representative of widespread public interest in a democratic form of solving approaches. Socialist democracy with The Democratic system of socialism with Chinese characteristics consultation refers to under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, all aspects of the major issues among the people, adhere to prior consultation among the decision-making and decision implementation, carried out in full consultation with the whole community to make on behalf of the widest public interest democracy.The second part describes the status and role of system of socialism with Chinese characteristics Deliberative Democracy. The Socialist democracy consultation is an important forms an important part of people’s democracy of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics. The role of socialist consultative democracy main features:First, the inevitable requirement of building a socialist harmonious society; second, the necessary way to the development of political civilization of China; third, the basic way to build peace across the strait relations.The third part provides an overview of the current situation of China’s socialist democratic consultation, and further pointed out that the main problem of China’s Socialist democratic consultation process in the presence of specific practice:the mass base of deliberative democracy is not widely, the narrow scope of deliberative democracy, Deliberative Democracy unequal conditions, negotiations are not satisfied with the results of democracy. For the reasons of the problems in the analysis:the concept of deliberative democracy is not strong, low-quality cadres consultation, publicity is not in place, the relevant legal and institutional imperfections.The fourth part analyzes the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics Deliberative Democracy of the main consultative approaches and methods. First, enhancing the concept of deliberative democracy and deliberative democracy awareness, specifically including the strengthening of deliberative democracy education, foster cultural deliberative democracy, deliberative democracy to enhance the quality of leading cadres; second, Strengthening the institutionalization and standardization of construction Deliberative Democracy, including the standardization,institutionalization and legalization of Deliberative Democracy; Third, improve the supervision system negotiated democracy, including the supervisory of the media and the network; fourth, abundant form of socialist democratic consultation, including improving the basic form of deliberative democracy, the development of a network of deliberative democracy, playing an active role in community organizations and exploring new forms of socialist deliberative democracy.m short, The Deliberative Democracy Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, unprecedented, no prior experience can learn. Perfect socialism with Chinese characteristics negotiated democracy, is a complex, long-term and gradual process, not overnight, we need to liberate our minds, innovation is constantly exploring, improving constantly pioneering innovations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese characteristics, Socialism, Consultative Democracy, Research
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