Nowadays, the problems such as weak consciousness, strong organizationalcontrol, low satisfaction with Party affairs and trusts still exist in the construction ofinner-Party democracy. So at present, to strengthen the democratic consciousness,optimize the review process, adjust the relevant system, and actively relying oninnovation content to promote inner-party democracy is needed. The basic Partymembers’ appraisal is a new practice. And it has been fully affirmed by cadres andmasses after its exploration and pilot in some places. At same time, indicates thedirection to a further improvement foe basic Party members’ appraisal. Academic andtheoretical circle’s studies on Party members’ appraisal give us some points. Based onthe field of inner-Party democracy’s construction, this paper mainly discusses therelated problems in the basic Party member democratic appraisal practice, andselected Xinbang town of Songjiang in Shanghai as a case. It aims to find pros andcons of Party-members’ appraisal in the practice of Shanghai suburbs. Also hopes toplay a positive role on construction of innner-Party democracy at the grass-roots level.This article is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces somerelevant concepts, research status, research methods, research framework and so on;The second chapter discusses the logic relationship between inner-Party democracyand basic Party members’ democratic appraisal, and put the vision of inner-Partydemocracy research to the point of basic Party members’ democratic appraisal for amicroscopic research; The third chapter discusses the development and characteristicsof Party members’ democratic appraisal, first research focus on the development ofinner-Party democracy after the founding of China, combing the origin anddevelopment of Party members’ democratic deliberations. Then, take Xinbang Townas an example to summarize the general characteristics of the mechanism. The fourthchapter studies the problems of basic democratic appraisal, and its influence oninner-Party democracy. Analyzing problems in Xinbang Town’s practice, and thecurrent problems on the construction of inner-Party democracy will be found and summarized. The fifth chapter focuses on the improvement of basic democraticappraisal and the upgrading of inner-Party democracy. This chapter aims to solve theproblems founding in the fourth chapter, and put some constructive suggestions tobasic Party members’ democratic appraisal, even the inner-Party democracy, andextending to the grass-roots level. Finally, the paper studies the development path ofbasic Party members’ democratic appraisal as a forward-looking vision. |