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Study On Coordinating The Layout Of Urban-Rural Construction Land

Posted on:2012-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330335493023Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the background of the national strategy of rural-urban integration, revision of the third round of land use planning, and connecting of urban-rural construction land increase and decrease, this paper proposes coordinating layout of urban-rural construction land, which have a practical significance to rural-urban integration, rational use of land resources and scientific land use planning and so.On the basis of summary of researches on rural-urban integration, village and town systems planning, land use guiding and regulations in space, and connecting of urban-rural construction land increase and decrease, this paper does a research on the method how to layout of urban-rural construction land, which has the scale and agglomeration economies theory, the central place theory, voronoi diagram theory, and the distance mapping theory of ArcGIS as its theory basis.In the case of Danba Town, Zhidan County, Shaanxi Province, coordinating the layout of urban-rural construction land is divided into adjustment of village layout and reconstruction of village and town system. In the part of rural residential layout adjustment, the cost weighted tool of ArcGIS is used to archive the cost allocation and distance of Danba'100 villages with cost raster composed of central place environmental conditions and radiation capacity. The zonal statistics tool is used to archive average cost distance of farming and agricultural land area per capita which 2 factors are used to divide the villages to 3 types including retained development, controlled development and revocation. According to the 3 types, differentiated land policies are proposed to adjust the rural residential layout. In the part of village and town system reconstruction,4 factors are selected to calculate the development capacity index of villages, which include population size, rural residential land area, and average cost distance of farming and agricultural land area per capita. The spatial join tool and model builder tool are used to construct village system and grade villages, which are to construct the "town center-central village-basic village" three-tier village and town system of Danba Town. The system is use to layout urban-rural construction land more rationally, which is composed of 9 central villages,78 basic villages and 13 villages are revoked.To the problems in structure and layout optimization of urban-rural construction land, this paper proposes three countermeasures including reforming and improving the transfer system of rural collective land to promote rational distribution of urban-rural construction land, improving the system of connecting of urban-rural construction land increase and decrease to promote complement of urban-rural production factors and respecting and protecting farmers'develop wishes and interests to achieve social development harmoniously, which can do benefits to optimize structure and layout of urban-rural construction land and promote allocation and use of land resources more rationally with the layout program of urban-rural construction land.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural-Urban Integration, Layout of Urban-Rural Construction Land, Land Use Planning, Connecting of Urban-Rural Construction Land Increase and Decrease, Village and Town System, The Central Place Theory, Voronoi Diagram, Distance Mapping of ArcGIS
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