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The Influence Of The Industrial Structure On The Economic Growth In China

Posted on:2008-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242479031Subject:Western economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The process of modern economic growth is actually the process that the economic growth and the industrial structure transformation influence on each other as well as connect with each other. The logical transformation of the industrial structure is the basis of the steady growth of economy, and also the demand of the continuous economic growth. This dissertation is based on using the research results of researchers from our nation and overseas as reference, to adopt various methods to do the demonstration analysis on the alteration of our national industrial structure and its impact to the economic growth, from the aspect of the contribution of industrial structure to the economic growth as well as combining the practical condition of our national industrial structure and economic growth in order to seek a path fitting the situation of our nation to optimize the industrial structure. This thesis is divided into 5 chapters.Chapter 1, introduction. It sets forth the definition of the industrial structure and economic growth as well as the relationship between them. Then it summarizes the literature abroad and home on the impact of industrial structure to the economic growth. Chapter 2, the whole process observation of the industrial structure transformation in China. It firstly draws an outline of the general trend of the industrial structure transformation based on the study of foreign researchers. After that, it describes the overall observation of our national industrial structure transformation from two respects: proportion of output value, structure of labor force, and finds that our national industrial structure changes according with the general transformation trend only since 1978, but tertiary industry develops too slowly. Chapter 3, the analysis of the contribution of the industrial structure to the economic growth. In the first part, it finds that the annual average contribution rate of secondary industry is highest. In the second part, it has the empirical analysis result: the output elasticity of primary industry, secondary industry, tertiary industry is 0.25,0.39,0.42 respectively, and the rise of the proportion of tertiary industry will improve the productive efficiency of capital and labor, so we has the theoretic basis of developing tertiary industry emphatically. Chapter 4, the analysis of the differences of regional industrial structure and economic development in china. The status of industrial structure and economic growth of the regions is different from each other, so it sets forth the analysis of industrial structure benefit using the deviation rate, and finds both the industrial structure benefit and per GDP of Eastern China is higher than Middle China and Western China, what's more, the industrial structure benefit plays a positive role in the level of per GDP. Using the Shift-share analysis, it finds that the industrial structure of Eastern China is better than that of Middle and Western China; the economy of Eastern China grows fastest because of the competitive advantage of secondary industry and tertiary industry in 1991-2004. Further analysis of the changes of the industrial structure's contribution to economic growth in each industry finds that Middle and Western China should develop the primary industry departments which have the native characteristics; develop the second industry departments which the developed area wants to transfer into Middle and Western China as well as characteristic industry; develop tertiary industry emphatically, especially the culture and traveling industry and improve the growth rate and output proportion of it. Chapter 5, conclusions and countermeasures. It gives the conclusions of this thesis and puts forward the countermeasures to optimize the industrial structure according to the current status of industrial structure in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:industrial structure, economic growth, Shift-share analysis
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