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Research On The Impact On Economic Growth Of Industrial Structure Of Dongying City

Posted on:2018-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z P KuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330596968794Subject:Applied Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since entering the 21 st century,the economy in Dongying city has achieved remarkable development.When the economic growth,the industrial structure is also more optimize.The proportion of three industry change from 3.4:64.6:32 in 2000 to 6.5:81.6:11.9 in 2015.However,since the second half of 2014,the drop in international oil prices had a significant impact on Dongying economic development,makes the weaknesses of the current industrial structure of Dongying city.The further falling of international oil prices impact on industrial economy has become increasingly prominent in Dongying city,making economies negative growth in the fourth quarter of 2015.Facing the instability of external demand,constraints of resource and environmental,Dongying city has an urgent need to speed up the optimization of industrial structure,vigorously develop the non-oil industries,promote development from resource dependence to the innovation guide,from extensive to intensive development,make the sustainable competitive advantage.This paper first analyze the three industry of changes situation,and three industry employment structure changes and compared productivity for Dongying city.we found that at this stage industry structure of Dongying city is also "two-three-one" industry pattern,and compared to national of " three-two-one " industry pattern also has larger of gap.In past of more than 10 years in Dongying city of employment structure produced big changes,from primary industry in the transfer has large of labor into two or three industry.But through analysis also found that primary industry and the tertiary industry in Dongying city of comparative productivity and there is a large gap between the national average,Dongying city,then to simply analyze and describe the various industry segments within the three industry.Then,using shift-share analysis on the three industries and the evaluation of various industry segments within the industry of Dongying city,finding three industries and advantages and disadvantages of various three industry segments within the industry development.Finally,through the VAR model is constructed,three industrial and economic growths in the empirical research,analysis of industry in Dongying city of economic development growth rates.Through the analysis of Dongying city,as resource-type City,we found it has irrational industrial structure problems.That is secondary industry is dominant,primary industry and the tertiary industry development is lagging behind.Secondary industry is mainly dominated by resource extraction,processing,and a large proportion of heavy industry,and industrial structure is lack of flexibility,and the ability to react to changes in the market is weak.Finally,combining the theoretical and empirical analysis,in parallel with the proposed overall approach to optimization of the industrial structure,we drew three industrial internal optimization recommendations of Dongying city.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial Structure, Structure Optimization, Shift-Share Analysis, VAR Model, Economic Growth
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