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Regional Executive And Legislative Research

Posted on:2012-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330335498136Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Regional development is a important economic issues; social issues and legal issues in countries of the vast territory, large population and unbalanced regional development. In response to the interests of regional economic integration demands of regional economic integration process, we must be to provide legal protection to eliminate institutional obstacles encountered. We may use the force of law to build a unified market and to settle regional development problems and promote regional economic development. I believe the important thing is to construct the regional legislative coordination mechanism and make it effectively in practice. This thesis will focus on the content and features of the Regional Administrative Legislation ("RAL"), the theoretical and practical foundation of RAL.ChapterⅠOverview of the Regional Administrative Legislation First, the Regional Administrative Legislation will be defined, followed by analysis of its characteristics, and constitute the theory basis of the RAL. The final premise of RAL is described. I propose RAL is that in specific economic region,local authorities make the draft of administrative rules on the matter of common interest. Then the local authorities pass these administrative rules with Administrative Legislation procedures respectively.ChapterⅡThe basis in reality of the Regional Administrative Legislation First, regional economic integration and regional economic development in China were reviewed, followed by the Regional Administrative Legislation analysis of the internal demand. The conflicts between contemporary Chinese regional economic integration and provincial administrative division should resolve by the means of the Rules, especially RAL.ChapterⅢThe Regional Administrative Legislation of the extraterritorial experience The first is the analysis of country experiences, particularly interstate contract in the U.S. Followed by the absorption of the EU experience, in particular integration of the EU rule of law concerns the lcgislative institutional arrangements; finally summed up and learnt from experience of the WTO. Chapter IV Analysis of legal texts about the Regional Administrative Legislation-the Yangtze River Delta region exploring the state-owned land lease system as an example.First, the regional selection and choice of legal texts was introduced. Second, the state regional administrative legislations of the lease of state-owned land system in the Yangtze River Delta region will be compared. Finally, draft the unified legislative proposal on the Yangtze River Delta regional state-owned land-tenure system.Chapter V Content of Regional Administrative Legislation First, described the three regional legislative coordination model, and pointed out the appropriate way the author believed. Second, construct RAL from the body, the content and specific legislative procedures. the system innovation always adhere to the existing legal framework.Conclusion. Hope academic colleagues to have more in-depth study on this topic. Due to the article topic is relatively new topic, there are some difficulties on related data collection. Inevitably there are many omissions, inadequate proof or even fallacious in the article. I wish experts and scholars propose precious suggestion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative Legislation, Regional Administrative Legislation, Regional Legal Coordination
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