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Interests, Institutions, Ideas,

Posted on:2012-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J DuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is a stern reality that in a globalized world, mankind is now facing more and more serious problems when dealing with fossil fuel shortages as well as climate and environmental challenges, an issue that is closely linked to energy over-consumption. As the world's largest developed country and developing country with the largest energy consumptions and greenhouse gas emissions, the United States and China have both attached great importance to energy security and other related environmental issues in their respective political agendas.For long, due to non-renewability of fossil fuels and high reliance on imported oil, China and the US have been competing with each other at a certain degree in the field of energy. The two countries have encountered a few problems and challenges in their energy interactions. However, when one observes the trend for Sino-US energy interactions from the perspectives of "interests", "mechanisms" and "conceptions", he can find that Energy cooperation has emerged as a significant issue that covers new common interests for both China and the US in their bilateral political dialogue. More than that, in an age when various cooperation mechanisms are embedded in bilateral relations, China and the US have achieved more and more consensus and cooperation in the fields such as clean energy, energy efficiency, emission reduction and environmental protection. What's more, as energy cooperation becomes a new issue for Sino-US relations, the fact that the US and China jointly combat energy and environment crisis will provide a sound solution for the international society to promoting cooperation and coping with global challenges.
Keywords/Search Tags:energy, Sino-US relations, common interests, cooperative mechanisms, cooperative conceptions
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