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U.s. Asia-pacific Security Strategy After The Cold War And China's National Security

Posted on:2001-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Z LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360002452175Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the tendnation of the cold War worid situations changed, andintemational relationshiP enered a new era. In the Asiapacific area,Ainerican policy designers confronted wtth an enirely new sitUation, startedformulatng thch poStcold war Asiapaciflc secndty strategy Then, What arethe main contents and objects of thes straegy? What position has US settledChina in the Strategy? What are the influences of the strategy on China? AndWhat shal1 we do? Circling the above questions, this dissertation manages tostUdy the subject ofpoStcold war US Asiapacific security strategy and Chinanational securityThe dissertation contains fOur sections:The firSt section deals Wth the evolution and the objects of postcold warUS AsiaTacific secdrity Straegy Post-cold war US AsiaTacific securitystrategy Which has comPlCted the transformation from cold war twe to postcold war ape, through the develOPment of three phases, has become more andmore matUIe and comPlCte. The new stfategy strives to make good relationswtth powers lilie China, JaPan and Russia, colltinues to cny on "Trinity"security strategy namely, militny existence on forward position, muuala1liance treaty and multilateral security consultation, emPhasthes non-pro1iferation of larg-scale fatal weaPons. By intervening totally the securtyaffairs in Asiarpacific area, the straegy is designed to strengthen control overAsiarpacific affairs, preven other powes from seeldng hegemong in this areaand maintain the US interests of politics, econoiny and security.The second section details the position of China in post-cold war USAsiapacific security Strategy After the cold war ended, what influences wi11China bring to Asiarpacific sectw? What does the rise of China mean tO US?Thrugh fierce argUInens again and again, /haerica settIes China in itsstrategy in such a position as neitherffiend norfoe or both friend andfOe.Because of national and intemaional reasons,as well as subective andobjective reasons, America is cotheed wth the funtion of China in Asiapaciflc security:The changes of China itself and sitUations in Asiapacific areaptale AInerica in deciding Whether China is a ffiend or foe; Different judgesfrom different points of view idealistically or realistically, make Ainericanrecoghhon of China's security ro1e muC comPlicated, The lack of enoughconUnwhcation bbeen US and China leads to insufficiellt het in each othef,nndly with a result tha it becomes more difficult tO decide acC'Urate1y thesecndty role of each other.The third section discusses the main influences of poSt-coId war US Asia-pacific secmp Stratgy on China national secdrity Post-cold war US Asia-pacific sectw strategy brings both chances and challenges to China, butmainly the latter By interposing in the issues of Tawan and Tibet, and byintervening in the diSPutes aboot south ocean of China, it does great han toChina's sovereignty and dighty By establiShing closer links with India andASEAN and by exerting greater imPam on Korea Peninsula, it aggravatesgreatly the tellsions of China's suxroundings, eSPecially the US-JaPan MilitaryAlliance, whose continung strength is the greatest potental threat to China'ssecurityThe last seCtion mainly concems the cbwtermeasures pUt formd by theauthOr For Chin4 Sino-US relationship is the most imPortat ped in herforeign policy To respond tO the US "att3chInwt & contalnmot" policy,China should aPply "coopCfation & strUgg1e" Stratgy ReatonshiP betWCenChina and Russi4 as well as betwen Cdria and JaPan, should be welladvanced. Because of the sub1ety of the tWo three-comered re1ations,hOwever high diP1omatic tedriques shoLdd be emPloyed. In the case ofTawan and Tiliet Which concem our dighty and sovereignty so muh thagreat effortS should be made. About Taiwan, in addition tO dealing wAn JaPanand the US, the moSt urgellt issue shoud be to make Taiwan on the road tonegotiation and conSul ed Mainland about the dris Qf national w...
Keywords/Search Tags:Asia-pacific
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