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Study Of The Price Calculation Of The National Economy

Posted on:2002-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B WangFull Text:PDF
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Price accounting of national economy is among the main contents of the national accounL It has an extensive scope, but forms its own system. This article just expounds some of the main parts of the system, and then ponders on them. First, the price theoretical basis .The price theoiy must be on the basis of Marx抯 price theoxy, butnowitshould beexbended inthe times of knowledge economy. New theories raise new daims on price accounting of national economy. Second, Drawing up price index is the major means of price accounting. This part mainly discusses the deflationaiy price index of GDP and the household consumer price index that has good synthetic and representative. The former is the important index to measure the macro-economy, and the latter is closely linked to social life. But both are still to be perfected. Aiming at this problem, the author puts forward national value index~ quality index and 揻ixed utility?index to revise it~ which is expected to cast a brick to attract jade and then promote both the theory and the practice of price index to a new step. Third, the application of the price accounting. This part explains how to use price accounting to compare national economy laterally or longitudinally. Longitudinal contrast is to analyze the change of price in different periods of one country (or location) in order to provide main parameters to measure inflation (or deflation). Lateral contrast is to compare the development of economy and the living standard of the people in different countries (or locations) during the same period, the crux of which is how to compare the economic total with different monetaly units. This article interprets the lack of the exchange rate method and the purchasing power parity (1扨l? method, and then advances the assumption to make a price adjustment on the international contrast of GDP from the input-output point of view.
Keywords/Search Tags:price theory, price index, price accounting, contrast
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