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The Land Has Been Expropriated Farmers' Old-age Security

Posted on:2003-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G LouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urbanization is one of the essential prerequisites of moderniZation,and the urbanization pace in China is speeding uP. As you may knowurbanization needs make a lot requisition of lands on Which most farmersin our country depend to be a living.Their supporting follows to be a question. This paPer verifies theproblem of these farmers' supporting, emphasizes its seriousness andanalyzes its reasons. Then this paper confirms that lands do provideguaranteed basic living source to the farmers; and analyzes urbanizationwill reaIly have some impacts on implementing that kind of land'sfunction. Finally this paper demonstrates some feasible suggestions/ideasabout how to improve old aging security for these farmers who providetheir lands to the nation's urbanization.
Keywords/Search Tags:urbanization, land requisition, old aging security
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