Enterprise Group Organizational Structure System Design Study | Posted on:2004-06-10 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis | Country:China | Candidate:W Xia | Full Text:PDF | GTID:2206360122975923 | Subject:Business management | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | Corporation group is association of a lot of corporations and advanced form of corporation. The organization structure of corporation group is the fashion of arranges and fabricate of the member corporations and dynamic relationship of them. Suitable organization structure is the guarantee of its existence and development. But because the organization structure elements of corporation group are much more than single corporation and the effect elements of corporation group are much more than single corporation, the systemic device of organization structure of corporation group is much more involved than single corporation. The central content of my paper is how to devise the organization structure systematically to adept to the development of the corporation group. The central contents of the paper are divided into four chapters. The first chapter is to look back the theory of formers and to clarify the subjective conceptions. The second chapter and third chapter are the core chapter of the text that make a detailed expound to the principle of the systematical device of the organization structure including principle, impact, evaluation criterion and methodology. The fourth chapter integrate principle of the systematical device of the organization structure into the status in China and push to the necessities and emphasizes. | Keywords/Search Tags: | Corporation group, Organization structure, Organization circumstances, Institution, System, Strategy, Governing, Management | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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