City, an outcome of human history at a certain stage, symbolizes the development of human civilization. The formation and development of a city is closely related to the economic and social development of corresponding regions. Against the background of basically established new institution in socialist marked economy, both starting from and ending in urban development, this article is founded upon full and accurate investigation and research on this issue, trying to elevate the development strategies to the level of policy for the benefit of accelerating the urbanization process in China, as well asaiming at mutual growth of urban ---rural economy and societythrough positive interaction among the first, second and third industries.This article is composed of nine sections.Chapter One: An overview presents the background and purpose of the research. Chapter Two: Sustainable Development Ideas Strategies. By reviewing the developing history of sustainable development ideas both in china, and through a comparative research between traditional development pattern and sustainable development pattern, this section holds that the former has accomplished its historical mission so far, and sustainable development pattern nowadays has drawn more and more attention form the world. Especially for those undeveloped regions ,sustainable development idea is of even greater guiding significance. Sticking to urbanization of sustainable development, we can learn from the mistakes made by developed western countries in the process of urbanization for the benefit of urbanization development in China. Based on that, this section tries to setup the theory, pattern and criterion system of urban sustainable development, and brings forward the strategy and principle of modern urban sustainable development. Meanwhile, it also points out the objective of modern urban sustainable development, namely, the high—level unification of sustainable urbanization and urban eco—-economic system.Chapter Three: Comprehensive evaluation on city' s sustainable development.Chapter Four: Dynamic Mechanism, General Law and Development Trend of Urbanization In a brief retrospect of urban formation process, development stages, and dynamic mechanism, this section defines city and town separately, and sums up several economic laws that affect, urbanization development. In particular, it reviews the urbanization development history both at home and abroad, as well as forecasts the development trend.Chapter Five: Favorable Conditions and Restricting Factors in Accelerating city' s sustainable development. There are quite a lot favorable conditionals to speed up urbanization. For instance, the overall international and domestic development environment is pretty good; the economy is increasing rapidly while its population growth is slowing down, and so on. Yet, the urbanization development in China is faced up with many unfavorable challenges. For example, the institutional obstacles haven' t been removed; the industrial structure is irrational; regional restrictions are against our favor; social development is at a low degree; the urban regional economic layout is irrational and the like .Chapter Six: Guiding Principle and Implementation Plan of city' s sustainable development. This section from a macro point of view, puts forward guiding principle and developmentobjective to speed up city's sustainable development. In particular, it designs the urban development program, namely, urban spatial program and urban population program, which include organizational system, scale and structure program, functional division program, and spatial layout program. This section also sets up various criteria for urban construction, like criteria of land occupation, garden and greening energy, road transportation, water supply and drainage facilities, and social service facilities.Chapter Seven: Fundamental Policy and Path Selection for city' s sustainable development, First of all, the section points out that our pursuit of a society of sustainable development should be based... |