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By "design" Of Life

Posted on:2007-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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Ecological problems are what we have to face in our modernization process. As a developing country,China has implemented many ecological and environment control policies in recent years ,such as reforestation and ecological migration. The intention of ecological space production is incarnated in these ecological control policies. The basic theory of this thesis is environmental sociology and it will combine social space production theory by Henri Lefevre. Ecological migration in Ejina Banner, Inner Mongolia will be discussed in this thesis.Since the founding of PRC, the ecology is worsening by the hour in Ejina area and it reaches a degree of "emergence", Ejina area has been requiring certain departments to solve the ecology water usage of Ejina Oasis since the 1960s. Our government didn't pay great attention to the ecological problems in Ejina Banner until the 1990s, and the water diversion of Heihe River Basin made substantial progress at that time.The central government brings Ejina ecological problems under the frame of Heihe River Basin Control Project. In this way, the ecological problems in Ejina area turn into a part of regional ecology control in vision of the country. Ejina government has enforced ecological migration under the Heihe River Basin Control Project Framework in order to protect the ecology of Ejina Oasis and improve the Heihe River water use efficiency. On one hand, the process of ecological migration in Ejina Banner incarnates the requirement of the state to change the relationship between farmers (herdsmen) and Ejina Oasis, as well as to produce ecological space, on the other hand, it combines the intention of Ejina government to promote local economic and social development. On the two-fold purposes, Ecological migration Project "layouts" and "designs" the mode of production and living of farmers (herdsmen) in Ejina. This paper will base on the data that were got from my field work in the summer vocation in 2004 and two weeks during 2005, combine an in-depth data analyses, recover the historical courses of ecological migration in Ejina, describe the present living...
Keywords/Search Tags:ecological migration, ecological space, ecological space production, design
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